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  • Thats rediculous! i would strait up move if i lived in a place like that. if your worried about it that much though, i would keep the n/a for as long as you can and just save up for a 1j or 2j swap and you can leave you motor stock and still have a pretty quick car. as far as your hose problems, its just gonna take time, ive had to do that hose my self, its not fun, try putting the pliers on the clamp and getting a screwdriver and pry up on the hose, thats how i did mine. Good luck!
    Why would you have your car taken away for a aftermarket turbo!? iam on my thrid supra and all have been in decent shape considering there 20yr old cars. and no i have not needed to rebuild my motor but thats not to say yours doesnt need one, my car is stock just has a 1jz swap.
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