TUcson Area Supras


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
South Bend
Hey guys!

I'm looking for someone in the Tucson (or even Phoenix or other surrounding areas) that would be interested in letting me shoot a photo for the 2008 Supramania Calendar with their car. If anyone is interested please just PM me or let me know in the thread.

I'll also be needing someone to take the pictures. I have friends that could take the pictures if need be so I need a car to shoot with more than anything, but if there's anyone that's really good with a camera and could lend their services to me for a day it would be greatly appreciated.

I'm in no way a model and I have no real experience doing this, but I'm looking forward to doing something really cool this year. My month is March, and once I get closer to shooting, I'll sort out picture details a bit more.

Thanks a ton and hopefully someone will be available :)
