Kills with my sc300


Soarer Guy
so my swap is done and i have been having alot of fun with my car, to and extent... i fell in love with my car all over again.

i was cruzing in the freeway on my way home after getting my exhaust done after my swap.. (not today)... and i noticed a red car behind me and he was quick to pull up next to me. i was like wtf this better be something worth racing. lololol GT500. meh lets give it a go do i just down shifted to 4th. and scooted forward. he hopped forward and i knew he was interested. we took off and i have no clue wat gear he was in so we got off well i and hear this guys supercharger screaming. he was getting ahead as soon as i hit 5 psi in 4th and this guy was starting to get away, i slammed 3rd and backfired hella loud, instant boost in 3rd back up to 4th and passed this guy like nothing. slowed down and his jaw was dropped.. he exited like a good bitch. 65mph - 125.



New Member
Apr 2, 2005
a gt 500????? idk man those things are qwik what are your mods and how much psi are you running.......i wish i had some of those runs with a couple gt500s but they all get scared when they hear my wastegate:(....o