I need some advice on replacing my shocks.


?Which parents?
I thought this would be the best place for this thread so thanks for this section atleast I know who answers is gonna know what to do. I want to replace my shocks and was wondering how to disconect the temse for non-tems shocks. I'm on a limited budget and just want my car safe for when me and the family go out on adventures in it. The rear shocks are my biggest worry with being as when we hit a bump the rear end just goes where it wants and we almost went off the road into the ditch. It seems to me the rears are the worst the front aren't leaking and have very minimal bouncing to them when pressed down eg they don't bounce up and down they go down then right back where they were. My real worry is if I disconect the rear tems and not the front will it hurt anything? Or should I just unplug them all? The other thing is as I'm replacing the rear shocks what else should I look for that may need replaced and how do I check it (suspension wise) I don't know a whole lot about this kind of stuff but I want to learn and the only way is for me to spend a weekend doing it so thanks for your input and I look forward to using it.