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  1. 51Cards

    Supra Stonehenge

    What do you do when you're a farmer with 2 old SUV's and a Supra sitting around? You do this... (warning, this will bring a tear to the more emotional MKIII lovers...) (edit: not exactly sure how sticking 3 cars...
  2. 51Cards

    2.5 rear moulding

    Not everyone ;) Though the 2.5 bit is useless now too... sigh.
  3. 51Cards

    Saw a MKIII at an autocross today! w/ a few pics

    Ha... NVM... I thought the wheel closeup was the rear.
  4. 51Cards

    Saw a MKIII at an autocross today! w/ a few pics

    So here's my Q... the picture seems to show Brembo's on the rear of that car... but I thought Stillen only made front kits?
  5. 51Cards

    Look what I got today!

    Another hot knob story here too. Had a pretty shiny metal one for awhile... till summer came. Once I burnt my hand a couple times out it came. (some of us don't learn the first time :icon_bigg )
  6. 51Cards

    Question for targa people.

    Possibly? I have 8-10 photos of T-top MKII's though. If it was aftermarket then someone was doing a lot of them.
  7. 51Cards

    Question for targa people.

    Rare.. but they existed.
  8. 51Cards

    Question for targa people.

    I would love a T-top Supra myself. I would personally take a T-top over Targa. They are easier to remove, easier to store, and the body would be more structurally stable. Not as nice as being able to remove the roof entirely but I think the other issues more than offset that. And for those...
  9. 51Cards

    Road Racing MKIII?

    Only have a moment for a quick reply so I'll touch on only one part... I tracked my MKIII a few times when it was bone stock. The kicker was the brakes every time. A warm up lap... a hot lap... maybe 2... and they were baked and I had to start backing off on my entry points. Now I never did...
  10. 51Cards

    black car with brown/tan interior?

    I gotta say I like the black/tan combo myself. Then again I'm an old fart ;)
  11. 51Cards

    RHD Pillar Pods

    Won't ever find one on a clip as the A-pillar would be cut too low. If anything you might get the bottom inch of one.
  12. 51Cards

    Coolest little robot ever!!

    Sadly the little guy isn't self contained either... he has to be connected to a power supply and a fairly heavy duty PC running Max/MSP. The base just contains the 4 motors that move him. I still want one :)
  13. 51Cards

    So your speedo is inaccurate after some parts swapping?

    This might be veddy veddy popular. Good work!
  14. 51Cards

    "The Six Billion Dollar Experiment" LHC

    Meh... what's one more black hole amongst billions.
  15. 51Cards

    Turbochargers rob your engine of power....

    All I have to say is every forum has their own Lamarossa. But at least Lam had a second car that was hot and he only played on the "famous" one.
  16. 51Cards

    Harness bar/Harness ?

    Should also be mentioned that race harnesses are not street legal in most places where your factory 3pt is. It comes down to quality of the belt and how well it was installed. (I have seen kids here put the shoulder belts down to the floor and just punch a hole through them and put the seat...
  17. 51Cards

    7M-GTE Engine Response

    IMO you'll never get a production sized automotive piston engine to be that snappy. It's just down to pure physics. In a piston engine there is a lot of mass changing directions many times a second, in a Wankel the bulk of the moving mass is going only in one direction, hence it is very easy...
  18. 51Cards

    **I have a question about down shifting**

    Your friend is still technically wrong IMO if you want to have those nice syncro's last a long time :) Yes, both will work... rev matching puts significantly less strain on the trans though not to mention the disruption in the car's motion. As IJ said though, pre-syncro's your friend would...
  19. 51Cards

    Coolest little robot ever!!

    Here is the other video he's known for.
  20. 51Cards

    Coolest little robot ever!!

    There are a few vids of it dancing, very cool. The robot was developed to study rhythm patterns in human interaction by interacting with children in the simplest manner possible. Visit the above link for the whole story. Unfortunately not for sale (and I'm sure they...