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  1. 7

    new diet ....

    Good luck, its pretty much become routine for me now to exercise after getting home from work. Will change a bit next week when I start night shift but will have more day hours to get outside and fit as well. Probably had about 5 beers in the last 3 months, not missing them that much to tell...
  2. 7

    new diet ....

    Thought I'd update this thread now down to 87kg (191lbs) loss of now 17kg (37.4lbs). Aim is now to get to around 82kg (180.4lbs). At the same time I am now a shitload fitter & stronger from all the exercise that has made it happen.
  3. 7

    Australia suffering 'man drought'

    Its a lie, I'm 22, earn good money no longer overweight & i'm still single. Everywhere I go out every chick seems to be spoken for.
  4. 7

    new diet ....

    Congrats. I started about the same time was 104kg (229lbs) and have so far lost 10kg (22lbs). I'm about 6 foot so end goal is around 85kg (187lbs) cos I'm not exactly a small build. Haven't had a drink for over a month saving a lot of money because of this too.
  5. 7

    This wasnt a dream, this guy was a dick

    Lol Sc300 are looked down on in AUS, supras are much more respected. You buy a soarer cos you don't have enough money for a supra.
  6. 7

    What are you eating for breakfast:

    This morning I had left over Pizza. Normally 2 weetbix. Because you can eat them in like 30 seconds Add some milk & a teaspoon of sugar on each
  7. 7

    I lost over 20lbs in 4 hours!

    Its called a MK2 they aren't flabby like a MK3:icon_bigg
  8. 7

    I lost over 20lbs in 4 hours!

    Mines down to 2820lbs with a full tank of fuel & all seats still in, spare tyre, heater & washer bottle I have no aircon, power steering, stereo, or sound insulation though:naughty: Last time it weighed in at 1382kg at the Drags with me in it. I was atleast 100kg at the time. Best of...
  9. 7

    Perfect strech of road?

    Do you have a 330mm momo steering wheel though, reduced leverage doesn't help. I've driven plenty of cars without powersteering and the MA61 is atleast 5 times heavier then any of them. Always funny getting ppl to jump behind the wheel first time they move it they crap themselves. Its like...
  10. 7

    Perfect strech of road?

    Nope, see the MK2 came with power steering, mine has just had it removed but still has a 2.5 turns lock to lock rack. Tis fucking heavy. New roads are cool but I always like punting it a long a road I know and being able to drive it comfortably at speed knowing whats up ahead.
  11. 7

    Perfect strech of road?

    I regularly drive an 1 hour & a half from my house to do a 20km up hill drove, advised corner speed between 15-45kmph of course we do double that. Breeze in my daily, in the MK2 without powersteering I pull into the Pie shop up the top with my arms aching and sweating. view from a random bike...
  12. 7

    Act of kindness from a complete stranger...that's rare

    Same. Bout six months back I was sick as a dog coming home from work on the train. Couple in the row in front of me get up and leave. Few stations later I see the dudes mobile phone still sitting on the seat. Picked it up so it wouldn't get stolen. Waited to I got to my stop and it started...
  13. 7

    The US gets a ute.

    Lol the car is built in australia & all versions are available here. Ute: Sedan: LWB Sedan
  14. 7

    savannahashlee's personal bitching thread.

    pfft 3 months is that all:nono:
  15. 7

    Aussie Cricketer Pummels Streaker

    heathen:icon_evil Test matches are all about the beer doesn't matter how slow a game is when you're pissed:biglaugh:
  16. 7

    An Aussie, a sheep, and a dog were survivors of a terrible plane crash...

    Correct, an australian would have eaten the sheep within a week or possibly saved it for Australia Day:icon_razz
  17. 7

    Is this child abuse?

    Come to Australia we'll give you heaps of shit
  18. 7

    Is this child abuse?

    she has a weird shaped head
  19. 7

    This is why I hate the police

    LOl hes just pissed cos he has too drive that fucking ghey car around. I'd poke him in the belly and then run tub tub wouldn't catch anything unless there was a donut on a string behind it.
  20. 7

    Song you are listening to right now!

    Favourite song of all time:sarcasm: