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  1. meagainstheworld

    Top...Show winning Car Must see

    lol, I think I just threw up a little...
  2. meagainstheworld

    my BOV problems...

    ROTFL...That's awesome. Here's to Canadian Beer!!!!!! CHEERS! Happy 13th...
  3. meagainstheworld

    B.C. is starting to piss me off...

    Loki, I'm willing to drive 4 hours to get it done :D
  4. meagainstheworld

    B.C. is starting to piss me off...

    Car's from Ontario. Coming into B.C.
  5. meagainstheworld

    B.C. is starting to piss me off...

    I'm venting, so this is going to be quick, innacurate, and vulgar, but listen to this. I'm trying to get an "Out of Province" Inspection. Aside from the fact that this is the 4th time I've brought it to a different shop, and gotten 25 different opinions, and not one shop is consistent with...
  6. meagainstheworld

    Why is everybody so scared of location?

    BHG, that sucks buddy. I live in Kelowna as well. Trying to get these cock-biters of mechanics to put my car on the road. Everytime it goes in (Out-of-Province) they come up with something new. Know any crooked mechanics? :naughty: Jex
  7. meagainstheworld

    For a REAL GOOD LAUGH: as defined by wikipedia: "ricer"

    You sure do swear a lot...
  8. meagainstheworld

    Help is here! I dare the hard problems!

    still taking requests for problems?
  9. meagainstheworld

    Things I don't like about Supras

    Threw it in there, thought it added :nono:
  10. meagainstheworld

    Things I don't like about Supras

    touche salesman, touche.... How bout the fact that you have to rip apart the entire trunk to change the tail lights. Maybe they should've made the rear interior more than 2 pieces. FAK! ;)
  11. meagainstheworld

    MKIV NA rims

    Not sure how much they weigh, but I have them on my baby, and I have 255/50/16s on the back, and they fit just fine. no problems, no spacers. should be able to go to at least 275, but that's a guess. I've got 225s on the front.
  12. meagainstheworld

    Baby Knock...

    It's all good man. I know what you're saying. The reason I have this car is because I bought it off of a good friend of mine who had the know-how, the garage, and the tools. Now we live about 65 hours apart. So I'm stuck with the responsibility of it on my own. I can't bring myself to sell...
  13. meagainstheworld

    Baby Knock...

    thanks for the tips guys. I've got 20w 50 in there right now. I just changed the oil and haven't driven the car on it too much. So it's still clean oil. I may try some additive or something along those lines. The problem with trying to check the bearings and lifting the engine is that I...
  14. meagainstheworld

    Baby Knock...

    Well, it is what it is... I have a lil bit of baby rod knock starting. I know it will only get worse, and the only thing I can do is rebuild and start over. But..for starters, I don't know anyone that will help rebuild the motor or install a new one other than my local auto shop. So it's a...
  15. meagainstheworld

    front end of MKIII converted to toyota chaser???

    meh, looks like the front of a J-Body Cavalier. Or even an old Integra. Me no Likey.
  16. meagainstheworld

    Would you pay $975 for sawblades?

    LOL I left a set at a friend's house cause I was too lazy to go back and pick em up.
  17. meagainstheworld

    FS: MKIV TT Wheels, MKIV NA Wheels, CT26, 7M Parts (604)

    whereabouts in B.C. are you? I may be interested in the 17"s if you're close enough.
  18. meagainstheworld

    Post your best Pic

    It's only a garage photo, but it's the best one I have so far...
  19. meagainstheworld

    How well is your car running right now?

    I wanna be top notch....booourns. Who wants to be my mechanic in Kelowna? :D
  20. meagainstheworld

    Talkin bout my baby...

    I bought it off of a friend of mine about 3 years ago, in Ontario. It was Auto at the time (manual now).