Search results

  1. supradaddy0803

    1JZ ECU Diodes

    My car started acting up again the other day doing the same thing as when the Caps blew in it. When opening up the ECU I found that the diodes on the side near where there are two caps there are five in a row the middle one had been hot and upon testing with my Diode tester it tested bad. I was...
  2. supradaddy0803

    1jz running rich with white smoke

    I have searched through the treads and most people have had this problem but have a single mod or something else I havent done much. It started the other day my boost controller is turned off and removed. The car comming to a stop started idleing ruff and missing like on one or more cylinders...
  3. supradaddy0803

    Squeeks and groans from a old car

    Finnally got all My regestration and inspection done and went for a drive to see how all the kinks got worked out. Then I started hearing a noise when I was slowing down. It is a intermittened squeeking and it is coming from under the hood but when I stop the car and open the hood it stops so I...
  4. supradaddy0803

    New to the 1JZ

    I have just gotten done with my 1JZ mod and was wondering what I would need to get to 650 horsepower. I have seen some turbo kits on ebay that claim to get you 600 to 650 but I am kinda leery. I know I will need injectors, fuel pump, and a fuel manager. I was also wondering if my exhaust is...