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  1. N

    Nille's MKIII build summer -08

    Hi, i thought i would share my build with you guys. So i get oppinions from other then swedish guys. Im not that good at spelling. Buy i'll try my best :) This is what it looked like last summer: And this is what it looked like when i bought it November 2004: Engine: 2jzgte [X] BL...
  2. N

    Choose the right turbo.. :icon_conf

    Hi, sorry if this is a double post... couldn't find it and im in a little hurry. Im going to order tomorrow a singelturbokit to my 2jz swapped ma70. Im choosing between phr stage 2, bl t71 bl t67 and bl t61. Most likely it's gonna be t71 because thats the one i've got the best deal on. But im...
  3. N

    which mounts is the strongest? 2jz

    hi, ive got both a pre89 crossmember and a 89+ crossmember. If i understood it right i should use either: pre89, bic mounts, old style square motormounts or 89+, 1jz brackets, new style round motormounts right? but if i have both. which one do you guys recommend? which is the strongest...
  4. N

    Nille the Swedish guy, hehe

    Hi, just wrote my first post here a couple of days ago and i think its time i introduce myself. Im from Sweden and 21 years old. Have my first Supra. I wanted a mkiv but couldnt afford so i bought a mk3. But now ive spent way more money on this car than the retail om a euro mkiv. Im in...