Search results

  1. mnmlst

    W58 Pilot Bearing

    I am mounting my W58 on to a 7mgte My GTE block has no pilot bearing in it. What is the best way to get the bearing out of my 7MGE? Also I need one of those clutch aligning tools.. Any advice on centering the plate?
  2. mnmlst

    AN Fitting for Turbo Union Pipe

    I have stripped threads in the block of my 89+ GTE where the Banjo bolt/Union pipe for the turbo are supposed to attach. I'm on a bit of a time schedule because I am moving, so I am hoping to figure something out soon. I've heard you can change the fitting on this oil pipe, to something...
  3. mnmlst

    F***!!!! Stripped union bolt

    GOD DAMNIT!!!! I stripped another freakin bolt. This time it is the union bolt (or the threads in the block???) for the turbo I want to go back in time, holy SHIT IM PISSED what do i do, if i tap it, a new bolt is going to be too small won't it?
  4. mnmlst

    Serious problem during assembly.. I am screwed?

    Here lies the problem. This is the oil pipe from my turbo. I put the turbo on the engine yesterday. When I got to tightening these 2 nuts on the manifold (in picture), I tried torquing them to 25 ft lbs and the nuts just kept spinning... Both nuts are spinning. The studs must be...
  5. mnmlst

    Harness wiring question

    I was inspecting my harness today for the 7mgte I am working on swapping. 1. On the left side of the picture are 2 black wires spliced together, with only a bit of electrical tape covering them. Should I splice these wires or are they arbitrary? Do I need to repair/change anything here...
  6. mnmlst

    ATTN Experts, builders, owners of 7MGTE!

    UPDATE/EDIT: This thread will act as a build thread for me to keep progress of my engine swap. Bit of a noob here, I often have questions. Could anyone help me identify some components and hoses? I also have alot of questions regarding installation.. What exactly is this mechanism? Is this...
  7. mnmlst

    7MGTE arrived today.. (pics+questions)

    I JUST got the shipment, don't flame me for not having it on a stand yet ;) Engine + Parts, not fully assembled This is what I have to work with Can you tell what kind of gasket this is just by looking at it? I will have to partially build this engine myself, my questions to...
  8. mnmlst

    (MKIII) Beginner, Pulling 7MGE Engine - Help Request Thread!

    Hey Supramania, first time poster. I have had a lovely MKIII for about a year now with a blown 7MGE. It's completely seized and I can't turn the crankshaft. I want to swap in a 7MGTE (which I have on the way) I am a beginner to most mechanical work but I want to do this myself to build...