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  1. SupraSwampa

    Bad ECU vs. Bad IAC Valve

    I'm trying to decide if this is a bad ECU or if my IAC valve is dying. If anyone has had experience with this I would appreciate any input. I replied to another thread but I figured if I posted here I might double my chances. Here's a few videos: These are all three different...
  2. SupraSwampa


    Well I've had the car for about a year now, so I guess I'll post a few pictures of the progress since August of 2011. The seats were so dirty when we got out the first time we had brown stains on our shorts so from then on we had to sit on towels. Quick drive by...
  3. SupraSwampa

    Decided to use SM instead of SF

    Well I'm not really new to either forum, I used to have another account a couple of years ago but I can't remember the email or password to either one. So I created new accounts on SF and SM last year. Over the past year I've come to realize that SF seems to be more towards the MKIV crowd so...