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  1. S

    W58 woes

    Even though I'm running a GTE now, I'm still on the W58, so thought I'd put this here... long story short, about 20 miles after breaking in my new Spec stage 3 clutch, my tranny started grinding and clanking... so, we figured that one of the bolts on the clutch had backed out, so dropped it...
  2. S

    New paint: Before and After <56k prolly not>

    DISCLAIMER: Neither the before nor the after are what i would call anyhting near awesome paintjobs. The first one is a result of my crazy japanese drifter guy Tay, and the fact that the car was like 5 different colors. The second is still amateur, but looks much much better. Before...
  3. S

    Idle/Running Issues

    Hokay.... first off, background. Engine out of supra C. Harness and ECU out of Supra B Installed in Supra A. Mods: Intake, open 3 inch DP, EGR blocked off. No Cold start injector Codes thrown: None that change engine running. <speedo isnt hooked up, so it throws a speed sensor code>...
  4. S

    Idle Insanity!

    Mkay, long story short, my idle is all sorts of fucked up. <running generally rough, but yeah> for the past long time, its been idling really rough, at somewhere around 1500 RPMs <cant tell you for certain, since my tach hasnt worked at all since I did the GTE swap> anyway, we were...
  5. S

    Dead Dash round 2

    woohoo, dash is still dead. long story short, swapped in a GTE, took out the dash to drop in the turbo tach, put it back together, and now the only things that work are the lights. some of them. all the warning lights <ebrake, check engine, etc> work fine, ditto for the far right side...
  6. S

    Dash Issues

    here's the long and the short of it. Swapped an 89 GTE into my 87 NA. Unhooked the dash to toss in the turbo tach. Now that the dash is back together, the only parts of it that work are the warning lights <Ebrake, check engine, battery, door open, etc> no activity on any of the guages...