Recent content by EdmondBreaux

  1. EdmondBreaux

    For Speaker Sizes and Questions Click Here

    Does anyone know of anywhere to get the 4.5" speakers? I cant find a place with decent prices.
  2. EdmondBreaux

    Quick Power Steering Question

    Thanks for the help, I'll be sure to check that out I guess I should've scrolled down before posting this haha thanks for the help!
  3. EdmondBreaux

    Quick Power Steering Question

    I have a power steering leak on my 90 N/A, and my mechanic said I need a new power steering high pressure hose. Are these the same as what he said I need...
  4. EdmondBreaux

    Exhaust Question

    I drive a 90 supra, and am looking into buying a new exhaust. My current one is a dual tip, but i dont know the brand, It came on the car when i bought it but it says 3R Racing or 3A Racing I believe. The problem with it is its really really loud, luckily i havent been pulled over because of it...
  5. EdmondBreaux

    Painted the car today.

    looks good, how did you paint it? is it spray paint?
  6. EdmondBreaux

    Body Work Help!

    Im not sure what you mean by nose piece, but if you mean the header panel support, it could be that way since my bumper is pre 89 but the header panel support is 89+, so I need to swap it so it fits better with the pre 89 bumper. Also, my bumper was hit twice so its bent, so I have to remove it...
  7. EdmondBreaux

    Body Work Help!

    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, and if i sound like a noob! Ok, so I need some input on some body work. I bought my supra 100% this way, the fenders came this color and the rear bumper is also the same color as the fenders, I'm not so sure as to why. Anyways, if it helps, my supra is a...
  8. EdmondBreaux

    Fog Lights, noob quesiton

    sorry if this is the wrong place to post, but I recently bought some pre 89 fog lights from someone off craigslist, but only one works. I bought new bulbs for them and its still only one, so thats not the problem. How would I go about finding the problem? Im guessing its gotta be something with...
  9. EdmondBreaux

    Lets see your steering wheels!

    I've always wondered whats the point of aftermarket steering wheels? I've always wanted one for some reason, but never knew. Are they better controlling wise?
  10. EdmondBreaux

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    Thanks for all the help, I think im just gonna swap my header panel support and buy some pre 89 turn signals since I already have both pre 89 grills as well as pre 89 fogs. As far as my bumper, should I remove it and see if I can put it back on and fit it correctly? I noticed it is a little...
  11. EdmondBreaux

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    yeah i went into a grocery store and came out only to find that someone hit me!
  12. EdmondBreaux

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    Heres some pics of my car, it came 100% this way, multicolored and everything but I cant complain for the deal i got on it haha. It came with the pre 89 bumper. I do have both the grills and fog lights, but havent put them in yet. Anyone who can let me know exactly what i need to do and buy to...
  13. EdmondBreaux

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    So when I buy some pre 89 signals are they gonna fit perfectly in place where the 90+ turn signals were? I know they are longer, but as far as where they are supposed to connect(the electrical) will they fit fine? How much would you sell them for? ^
  14. EdmondBreaux

    Post your Pre-89 bumper thread

    I have another question, I have a pre 89 bumper on my 90 supra, and I all the pre 89 grills and fog lights as well, but I dont have the pre 89 turn signals. my question is if I get some, are they just gonna fit right in to where the previous turn signals where?