Recent content by 87blacksupra

  1. 87blacksupra

    Love my car!

    lol that's what facebook is for? Silly guys :)
  2. 87blacksupra

    Love my car!

    ha ha ok...what did you want a picture of?????
  3. 87blacksupra

    Love my car!

    Let me know when the next one is in san diego or vegas. what a nice picture.
  4. 87blacksupra

    What did Santa bring you?

    lots of love :love: oh yeah and chocolate and gift cards and flowers and more chocolate and other stuff
  5. 87blacksupra

    Love my car!

    I'll be in San Diego next year!!!!:icon_razz
  6. 87blacksupra

    Love my car!

    thank you you have an 87?
  7. 87blacksupra

    Love my car!

    Isn't it beautiful?????
  8. 87blacksupra

    Love my car!

    Hi Everyone, New to this site and love looking at all the pics of supras. I love my car. Love looking at much joy. I own an 1987 Supra, turbo, targa roof, sports pkg, tems suspension, and really nice wheels. It's black of course and hubby keeps it clean and shiny. I've had some head...