You motherf@%#erz gotz to learnz dis shit! - A lesson to stuck up white boys.

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Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
NWS *Not Work Safe* NWS

This is for ma posse at SupraManizzles


You too can be a pimp like me (I only write proper English on the forums, but I speak ebonics 24Seven).

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EDIT: this thread and its title was based on what was said in the vid. The term "white boy" is used as the urbonic's meaning of Caucasion man.
(It has become apparent that there is another meaing that I was not aware of.)

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Supramania Contributor
56k here. whats happening? what is this so called "lesson" stuck up white boys need to learn?

ok. i'm in no way a racist. shit, i have more black friends than white friends, and i even speak ebonics ocasionally because i grew up here in new britain hearing nothing but ebonics.

Tony, i'm not speaking against you, this is general. also, it relates to what happened to me the other day.

anyway, my question is, if black people want white people to stop using racial slurs about them, why do they think it's cool to refer EVERYTHING about a white person, white boy?

i was with my friend walking down the street the other day and out of no where this black guy says, "hahaha look at those f*cking white boys". i stopped in my tracks, and my friend was like chill leave it alone. i said no, f*ck this punk yo, stay here.

i crossed the street and walked right up to his face and said "f*ck you nigger, beat me up". at that moment, as soon as i said the N word, he got real pissed off and lunged at me, but quickly got a straight right to face and was knocked out like chuck liddel just hit him. now, lets not forget he called me a white boy first. what? did he expect me not to get mad like he just did for calling him a you know what?

personally, i think if black people would get off the "black power, and i think all white men are against me" bs, the world would be that much less racist. seriously, it seems to me that there are more black people hating on white people for no reason (NOWADAYS) than there is white people hating on black people.

now, i don't go around saying the N word just for the hell of it, but if i'm disrespected you better believe i'm going to say what i want.

anyway, i have more to say, but i'm done with this racial stuff.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
CtSupra said:
...if black people want white people to stop using racial slurs about them, why do they think it's cool to refer EVERYTHING about a white person, white boy?

i was with my friend walking down the street the other day and out of no where this black guy says, "hahaha look at those f*cking white boys"...
Is it that offensive to call someone a white boy?! I am not busting your balls on this but I had no idea it was considered offensive at all. If someone called me a white boy, I really would not mind one bit or think anything of it at all. I had no idea at all that it could be taken in an offensive way.

I have black acquaintances and they say things and I don't really take offense -- and I am even a defensive person in some ways. I have said things to some black folks that I have just met like, "don't black people sleep, look at you all awake this hour of the night," and they just laugh. I guess in my experiences we understand that we mean no offense by it.

This one black girl was even telling me a supposed feature that she did not like about the overall black community, and many members within it. I told her that I don't see it that way at all. I even told her that I have never had a black guy or girl jealous of me, and I always get many compliments from them for my bike and the work I put into it. I have never had a problem with any black riders, and I have riden with hundreds of many different people from states including NY, VT, MA, NH, CT. I have wanted to kill some dudes I have known that were spoiled white kids that had their parents give them everything though.

Btw, someone I know said the N word and then had a fight with a guy. He got charged with a hate crime. Saying the N word was more of a legal problem than actually fighting the guy. I was surprised but he did get locked up for it, then he had to sell his bike to pay the lawyer to get him off of that charge.

I speak Ebonics to whomever I feel like (white or black) in person, all my experiences were them just laughing back. In my personal life I joke around in all kinds of ways with all kinds of people. Speaking Ebonics or the term white boy never upset anyone in my experience.


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
I have never liked being called a "White boy" pisses me off, used to get in fights in school over that shit.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
CtSupra said:
56k here. whats happening? what is this so called "lesson" stuck up white boys need to learn?....
It is an Ebonics tutorial with translations from English to Urbonics. Within it, it states something along the lines of the title.

Turkish said:
I have never liked being called a "White boy" pisses me off, used to get in fights in school over that shit.
Wow! What is so offensive about being called white. Most black guys actually prefer white girls, so they actually like white.

If a black dude was to call me a blue eyed white devil (even though I am not blue eyed), I would laugh and giggle.

OMG do we have different "buttons." The things that piss me off are not the same things that piss many others off. And the things that piss other off enough to fight would make me laugh. I am proud to be white I guess. If I heard someone say white boy to me, in my head I would be like: "damn right I am!" And if I were black I would be proud too probably, I just know I am happy to be white.

MODS/ADMINS: delete this thread if you like. All my friends would have thought it to be funny. Seems like people here are different.


New Member
Apr 21, 2005

I think the problem was the title of the thread. Ctsupra was not able to watch it because he is 56K and could only take offense to the title of this thread. Had he seen it, he probably would have thought it was funny like I did. That is what started the misunderstanding. Just my 2 cents.

As far as you feeling differently about "white boy", many white kids who grew up in an area that was not predominantly white knows that the term "white boy" and other derivatives can be used with just as much hate as any other racial term, especially when you've seen someone called a "white boy" right before he got jacked for no other reason. Again I'm not calling anybody out with this statement, just my 2 cents.


Supramania Contributor
Tony, i'm the same way, if it's not meant in a vulgar way, then yes, i'll pay no mind and find it funny. Like i've said, i'm definitely not a racist.

On the other hand, lanternman hit the nail on the head to the T.

My comments weren't in anyway directed twords the topic of the thread, well i guess it kinda was. had i been able to see what was posted, yes, i find stuff like that funny.

it just reminded me of what happened the other day. i just don't get why people think it's cool to use racial slurs for no reason all and be mean about it. white men or black men.
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i didnt think the thread was overtly offensive Tony, but i do know that people take offense at different levels to different things...

I find most instances of Racism hilarious, but so long as rappers spit the word nigger (no i'm not afraid to say it for the exact reason i state now) over and over and over in a single song, i simply refuse to see how it can be so terribly offensive, what's the differenc if someone, in anger, refers to me as a raging mother fucker

anywho... tony i didn't want you to delete so much of your post...just wanted to let people know i was watching...and that if it went downhill i would have stepped in, no doubt you would have done so yourself or pm'ed me about it before hand tho..


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
csr ma71 said:
In 50 Cent's get rich or die trying, his second track he says, "yo Em, you know you're my favorite white boy right?" What was that about?
Don't know but,

In Sir Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back he states

So ladies (yeah), ladies (yeah)
If you wanna role in my Mercedes (yeah)
Then turn around
Stick it out
Even white boys got to shout
Baby got back

I thought nothing of it.

That is the second time I have quoted that song recently. The other time was to state "Cuz silicone parts were made for toys" for the "Fake boobies" thread. I love that song and think it is funny. There was a spoof of that song that was hilarious also. In that song's lyrics there was a line of, "your girl is thin and round, shaped like a Lincoln
with a head so thin I can see what she is thinkin'. "


Zero State
Mar 31, 2005
This is why people end up killing each other over nothing. "oh you offend me by calling me a _______________" Culture teaches us to be proud, when we should be humble. If someone insults you, or if rap artists are "expressing themselves" with what you deem to be racial slurs, you give that slur power to be. In some places it is unacceptable. I don't give a f***. Call me whatever you want. Play whatever music you want. Insult me however you wish. I'm 20, I'm fat, and I could care less what you think. That's how I go about it. My friend Eric is a heavy set Korean dude and just last night he leveled some white guy with one punch for calling his homegirl a bitch. Put a 6-inch gash in the side of his face. He laughs about it. I told him that's how people get killed. Sure you WANT to do something about it, but what in the f*** is it going to do for you? "Oh I taught that f***er a lesson." AND? Do you really think revenge is lost in translation in one beatdown? If someone calls you something, I'd let it be. Their own ignorance is what limits them. Now if they HURT you for just being, that's a different story. There are rules I follow for different situations. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Words hurt when you're young and impressionable, but as an adult you should learn that you have the power to give words their power. If someone calls you a whiteboy or a bitch or a f***er or whatever, and you walk away from it, they become proud in their ignorance, and you walk away smarter for avoiding idiots. Geniuses invent weapons that kill. Idiots use them.

The only reason why this hits me is cause a friend of mine just recently lost his cousin to USELESS GANG VIOLENCE. He was shot 5 times in the abdomen for defending himself. My friend said that's the way he wanted to go out, man up. That may be so, but still it's a life cut short and a family that will never be complete again. Tony, in all honesty I thought it was funny if not a little inappropriate. But who really cares? by the way, Tom Cruise scares the s*** out of me. Scientology.....

Care for the things that are worth caring about. But that's just me....


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
I am surprised that this thread is back (with no warning too heh)?!
Not a big deal to me.
Oh well, then I must say the following:

Every time I ever heard “white boys,” it was used in a non derogatory way – I think it may have two meanings possibly. I know one meaning just means Caucasian guys in urbonics (I have even asked guys that I know speak it and they confirmed my thoughts too). You know that urbonics users are not going to say Caucasian guys. I also directly quoted the vid (see pic below). I think it was even on TV. I have never been exposed to it being used in another way but obviously it can be used in a derogatory way as some others have suggested.
As far as Urbonics, I think it is a sub culture and people choose to use it, I would not label it to a race or say that other races don't use it – it is not as if all of one race uses it or all of another doesn’t.

Also it is, as I said, a sub culture, just like ricers are part of their own subculture. If we say we can’t ever have a giggle at Urbonics users than by that logic we can’t ever use the word ricer in a derogatory way either. If we say we can’t offend people who don’t want Urbonics giggled at, we must take in consideration that we may offend someone if we say ricer, and that their feelings are being hurt. It just does not add up to me.

In the vid, he states it in a non - derogator way (or at least I thought so.)
He is just speaking urbonics is all.

I have no intentions of upsetting anyone on this site (there are no trolls here).

Now as far as some of the statements that were made about people getting into fights and such over hearing names, I was disappointed when I read those remarks because this thread was only made to make people giggle, not to talk about fighting at all. I think people may have misunderstood the way that vid was intended and the way "white boy" was used. There are two meanings and I would rather not discuss people's fighting history on something that is not even relevant to this thread or the way "white boy" was used in this vid or how it was intended.

I am surprised this came out of quarantine with no warning to me and I guess it was felt that it should be here to stay, or to clear up some misconceptions I suppose. I hope I did part of the clearing up of misconceptions thing.

EDIT: to add below

Can we lock this thread up, please.
I don’t think it went as intended, I explained all of that already.
Its purpose was used for humor, I should have just kept to myself because I am having no joy out of it now.

I NEVER had a problem with it being deleted – I actually made three attempts of deleting it myself. I would have had NO problems with it being locked either. My only problem was a post that was made, that has now since been deleted. I felt that when it was said that this thread will be made an example of, people would not know what to think and just see me as the thread starter. I could not even understand what the example was supposed to be to the members. Just like now, there was no one on and I had nobody to ask to delete the thread. I just wondered how long it would be presented that way, and so I got anxious and made a new thread because nobody that could help was on.

I was a mod myself. There is no mod training. There aren’t universal rules neither, it is a-learn-as-you-go type of job. I hold no blame at all and I am not upset at anyone. I also don’t want anyone to say, “my bad” even – I just want to move on.

Some things did not make any sense to me as to why it was handled this way. I just know that I have an obsessed fan that has made many different types of attacks, and being that I am constantly on yellow alert, I took that into consideration and made it regrettable for him if that was his next move at me. If he was not the cause, he sure has showed me that he would do anything at all to get at me and so his past behavior volunteered him as being a suspect to something I found quite fishy.

Can we please move one and LOCK this. I want it locked not deleted at this point.
I have also typed enough on all this and members should take in consideration that I have had enough with it, and that I would like to get on with things.

Lock it please – thank you.
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Jeff Lange

Staff member
Mar 29, 2005
Sunnyvale, CA
I was asked to move this thread back by the moderator who closed it. I wasn't really given a reason. I'm assuming he'll post when he gets the chance, lol.

Until then, thread reopened I guess.
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