You Lazy Lazy Bugger!

aka Kactabigun

New Member
Aug 13, 2005
Newcastle England
Some people are dirty hacky lazy bastards,they are really. Lol
The woman across the street had a visitor last night, not a fella, her sister.
and the (LAZY BUGGER )parked right opposite my loverly white SUPE, :nuts:
Blocking all the street off so as no one could get up and down :rant2:
My car had been parked there all day by the way Im not an awkward shit or
anything but I was busy on the computer and thought sod it its staying put
the stupid woman can shift hers. So I waited twitching my blinds so as no irate people could put the blame on me as the street was filling up.
I thought she should be out in a minute to shift it. Half an hour later she is still sitting yapping to her sister proberbly drinking aswell,the twat.
Anyway the Police turn up to resolve things. I goes out to have a word with him and tell him the other car has just turned up.Being a good citizen like i am
I shifts mine on to my drive next to the over 2 MKiiis ( brag -brag) and told him I was'nt very happy. So he knocks on the door of the neighbour and askes her why she parked there,.The lying bitch said she lived there and that she was entitled to park outside of her door. BARE FACED LIES!
The HACKY DIRTY LAZY BITCH did'nt want to walk 100 yards up the road thats all. Anyway the officer came over to mine and we had a good laugh about WOMAN DRIVERS and stuff.
Ifelt like telling him that the lazy bitch was on the booze and that he should get the traffic guys to pull her over. But I did'nt Maybe I should have I dont know :wtf: But dont they just piss you off people like that....................
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I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
yea, accadently de-inflate(sp?) her tires. dont slash them, just deinflate them. you have to do it all slick like, get on the under the engine board(u know the one with wheels im drawing a blank and cant think of the name for it.) and glide down to the car and release the air on the front tire, it will be hard as hell to turn. :)


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
lanky189 said:
creeper dead..he needs a creeper.

LOL, its always after i post and 20min later i figure out what i was talking about and remeber then name, damn brain not working like i want it too.:biglaugh:


Dec 31, 1969
Richmond, BC, Canada
If you're ever going to let the air out of someone's tires, get a valve stem puller and yank the valve out. Those service trucks that come jump start your engine, or put air in your tire, etc - AAA in the USA, CAA in Canada - they don't tend to carry spare valve stems, so instead of a minor annoyance, you've caused them a tow bill to a tire shop for a $1 part.

PS: everyone carries a spare. So, always do 2 tires. ;)


thats the coolest thing i've ever heard Grim... 1 dollar part 50 dollar tow bill..

eat me!


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
IJ. said:
Superglue into the door and trunk/hatch locks ;)
(wiperblades could do with a small squirt as well while you're there)
my dad read this and was laughing then he told me that back when he was in the air force, up when he was stationed in maine loring AFB, they used to piss in each others locks before a blizzard, LOL:biglaugh:


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
those ideas are much simpler than mine

it invloved jacking the car up on all 4's at dusk and slashing the inner part of the tire and filling it with cement then leaving the car up on all 4's at dawn then in the morning they have to drop it but since the tires are still round and solid they will just drive off gettin .02 miles per gallon.


I like Supras
Aug 12, 2005
Panther Country
americanjebus said:
it invloved jacking the car up on all 4's at dusk and slashing the inner part of the tire and filling it with cement then leaving the car up on all 4's at dawn then in the morning they have to drop it but since the tires are still round and solid they will just drive off gettin .02 miles per gallon.

wow, spend much time thinking of ways to fuck people up? remind me not to block your street.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
IJ. said:
Dead: LOL I'm probably around your Dad's age!

"Old people are evil" we've had lots of time to practice! ;)

my dads 53
his b-day is the 4th of sept. 1 out of 10 kids. 4 of the brothers were born in sept. so they have a get together for their b-days.:biglaugh: its funny as hell watching them all play poker all slopped up on liquer.:biglaugh:, this the only time in the year, their wives will let them drink.:biglaugh:


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
IJ. said:
LOL so he's got 10 years more evil practice than I have :)!
yep and living around 10 kids doesnt help either, they were pretty much a gang when they walked the streets, he tells me all the time about crap they used to do, being poor as hell.
one day some one asked him what his favorite toys were when he was growing up, he says " rocks, broken glass, bottles and string". i just about died laughing so hard, because they didnt beileve him, i was like 10 kids all about a year or two appart from each other theres not much to play with when ur poor, u have to invent stuff from nothing.

aka Kactabigun

New Member
Aug 13, 2005
Newcastle England
D34DC311 said:
yep and living around 10 kids doesnt help either, they were pretty much a gang when they walked the streets, he tells me all the time about crap they used to do, being poor as hell.
one day some one asked him what his favorite toys were when he was growing up, he says " rocks, broken glass, bottles and string". i just about died laughing so hard, because they didnt beileve him, i was like 10 kids all about a year or two appart from each other theres not much to play with when ur poor, u have to invent stuff from nothing.
Hey D34DC311
Did your Granpapy have a bus to take the kids out and about or did he make 3 separate trips. :biglaugh:

aka Kactabigun

New Member
Aug 13, 2005
Newcastle England
Why do people have to park right outside the shop the house wherever.
Lazy man just lazy. Or it could be there bragging about the vehicle they drive.
(Look at me ) Im better than you blah blah blah. They piss me right off.
Mind im the same, but i never nick anyones parking space or course an obstruction. No not me Im a good Boy Lol. :rolleyes:


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
aka Kactabigun said:
Hey D34DC311
Did your Granpapy have a bus to take the kids out and about or did he make 3 separate trips. :biglaugh:

nope most of the time 2 cars, 1957 buick special, and 1960 something Nova,
my dad still has the buick, we are going to restore it someday. my grandfather drove it for 3 weeks back and forth to work 3 miles total, with only reverse. :biglaugh:, its auto so its kinda funny.
but the bus isnt a bad idea.:biglaugh: