When I go Over 100 The check engine light comes on


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
I've killed a supra in my time. It was wet, I was turning, the tires weren't so good and the thing got away from me. didn't hit another car just a wall. I'm not gonna say that I'm a good or a careless driver. I will say I've been driveing for over 15 years and know when to speed and when not to speed. speeding on a public road where the limit is 45mph, I think at times its ok to do a quick spool to 60 and back off. on the Hwy if you'r the only one on the road and you have 4 lanes, yeah I've done 100+. Going to work in the morning on the Hwy speed limit is 65 and the traffic is flowing at 90mph. Supra and Speed limit is not a good topic for debate.


Johnny Dangerously

I can eat planets
Apr 4, 2005
Corpus Christi, TX..
Tony Mawad said:
Purpose of this thread is that "the check engine light comes on" under certain circumstances.

cramerizking, your name calling is way out of line. You will never win any debates that way, so it is highly unnecessary & uncalled for. Just about everyone on this forum speeds. 100mph on some road can be very safe if there is no traffic & straight.
It is even legal on some roads in civilized countries.
We can't assume PIONEER is speeding on an unsafe road, but just hope he knows how to speed & when.

Back to the purpose of this thread...

EDIT: before anyone thinks that I recommend speeding or that is it safe for all operators, I should mention:

I crashed an MKII @ 125mph (that is at it's top speed).
I was NEW to that speed with that machine. And it did not like me changing lanes, although I though I did it smoothly. It does take time to learn a machines likes & dislikes, & it's limits in handling.
Since that accident, I have maxed out my 120HP bike probably 30 times without a problem ever (still here). It is all in the operator. Some people can't even drive in a parking lot, and others learn to an advanced level. The dangerous part is leaning it, more than doing it. But regarless, a crash at higher speeds is unforgiving to skilled & unskilled operators alike if it happens.

dude...its weird seeing you a moderator..its funny, weird..but you do well at it. good job Big Ole T! hehe.

and I agree with Pioneer...supra and speed limit is like incorporating homo's to NFL football through a conversation.


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
Squid, if thats the case, you should've stayed N/A

huh? What does being NA or turbo have to do with it? All I said was that a person could put someone else at jeopardy driving that fast. I in no way meant to make a judgement on the rightness or wrongness of doing such a thing. Merely that a person needs to be very careful if they choose to do so and nothing they see or read on the internet will dissuade them from doing so.

hell......I break 100 from time to time, so I can't say you're right or wrong for doing so
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shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
yikes. um... pioneer.... my check engine light comes on if i dont drive my car like an asshole. seriously. if i dont beat it like it owe's me money, it runs like ass. is this wierd? back to topic

for anyone else who thinks speeding on a public road is too dangerous... go back to having tea with gramma


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
Squid699 said:
huh? What does being NA or turbo have to do with it? All I said was that a person could put someone else at jeopardy driving that fast. I in no way meant to make a judgement on the rightness or wrongness of doing such a thing. Merely that a person needs to be very careful if they choose to do so and nothing they see or read on the internet will dissuade them from doing so.

hell......I break 100 from time to time, so I can't say you're right or wrong for doing so

I misunderstood your first thread. My bad.

This MKIV Asshole's ripped me off on some parts and willnot return my money so I'm in a bad mood today :mad:


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
supra90turbo said:
yikes. um... pioneer.... my check engine light comes on if i dont drive my car like an asshole. seriously. if i dont beat it like it owe's me money, it runs like ass. is this wierd? back to topic

for anyone else who thinks speeding on a public road is too dangerous... go back to having tea with gramma

You check all your Chassis Grounds?


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
supra90turbo said:
...for anyone else who thinks speeding on a public road is too dangerous... go back to having tea with gramma
It is indeed dangeous (extremely dangerous) for some drivers, or on some roads, or in some conditions, etc. You forgot to include that. We do have speed limits for a good reason: because NOT EVERYONE can operate at 100mph (or even less than that) or know where or when.
I would not go around telling people that it is perfectly fine for all. Unskilled operators do in fact die or kill others, when beyond their limits. There is no doubt about that.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
cramerizking, thanks for being cool & understanding what I had to say. I just did not want a big flame thread to start, & name calling usually does that to a thread.

Johnny Dangerously said:
dude...its weird seeing you a moderator..its funny, weird..but you do well at it. good job Big Ole T! hehe...
Funny you should say that JD.
In real life, I get paid to be one, and have moderated over a thousand people.
& thanks for the compliment too dude;)


Manic Mechanic
Mar 30, 2005
Chesapeake, VA
Tony Mawad said:
It is indeed dangeous (extremely dangerous) for some drivers, or on some roads, or in some conditions, etc. You forgot to include that. We do have speed limits for a good reason: because NOT EVERYONE can operate at 100mph (or even less than that) or know where or when.
I would not go around telling people that it is perfectly fine for all. Unskilled operators do in fact die or kill others, when beyond their limits. There is no doubt about that.

exactly my point from earlier ;)

Mk3 TurboS

No not a "Turbo A"
Mar 31, 2005
ANY WAY!!!! Back to the topic...... Try sitting in 1st or 2nd gear between 2500rpm and 4000rpm for over 9 secs. If the light comes on its code 42. This way you dont have to do 100 and upset anyone. If it doesn't well...... I give up. :D


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
check the o2. When my o2 was malfunctioning it would jolt on the highway. Kinda like you were slamming the gas and releasing. If the o2 sensor is giving the wrong information it can make your car do all kinds of ish


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
wasn't someone doing a group buy on o2 sensors a while ago. I replaced the O2 sensor on this not too long ago. and my gas problem had gone away.


Wallet Wide Open
Mar 30, 2005
Raleigh, Nc
Squidd, what you do to get rid of your 24? change afm?

Edit, Got-it. One of the wires on the AFM plug was out of the plug. snapped it in, no more code 24. Changed O2 sensor, no more of that. Now I have a Code 32 which is HAC sensor. But I know why b/c I don't have 1 :icon_razz
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