What are YOU doing to defend the Constitution?

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Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
I just sent 120 emails to everyone in Florida's State Legislature.

2 hours and 12 minutes of my time is NOTHING compared to what I stand to lose in the next few decades thanks to trying to pay back $2 TRILLION.


So it goes.
Apr 15, 2005
Morgantown, WV
I bought some guns for when the shit finally hits the fan.

I'm not wasting my time writing letters because these representatives don't care about me or my views.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
these politicians LAUGH at our efforts! IMO the best thing to do is live your life and TAKE what you can when you can! they have more power than us and NOTHING short of a violent over-throw will change a DAMN THING!


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Mk3runner;1261573 said:
hence the guns and ammo

a little whiskey helps too! :)



Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Lagged, you're a disgrace to America. I want you to know that.

To the others, what do you mean writing accomplishes nothing? 'Writing' got this country started, in the form of the Declaration of Independence.

For my own troubles, my representative - a Democrat - is no longer ignoring me. I'm now in contact with Michael Belle. her Secretary, to get him information to move along to her.

I'm gathering that info now.

If you quit, your chances of success are zero. I'm sick of the quitters and losers in this country.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Doward;1261578 said:
Lagged, you're a disgrace to America. I want you to know that.

if it makes you happy believing that then more power to you. i am happy knowing that i am on the path to having what I want in MY life.

i pay my taxes and will probably be joining the coast guard after i finish my BA in order to get my masters. if that is what you call being a disgrace to the country then so be it.

what i would refuse to do is sit around here while the country falls apart. maybe i havent made that clear. if the politicians want to ruin this country, it sucks but my life is more important than to put up with that bullshit.

i think there is NOTHING that we can do to turn this country around. and honestly i hope you prove me wrong.

you calling me a disgrace is probably you misplacing blame. its not my fault i was born into arguably the most corrupt country in the world.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Have you gone abroad at all? The United States, for all of its flaws, is still the best place on earth.

Do you think China is better? Are you more free in China than in the US?

The problem is the politicians are thinking exactly like you -
lagged said:
IMO the best thing to do is live your life and TAKE what you can when you can!

That thought process is killing the United States.

You follow that up with
lagged said:
It's not my fault I was born into arguably the most corrupt country in the world.

This is still the United States of America. Where you were born makes no difference in the person you turn out to be. You could have been born in Australia, or China, or Zimbabwe for all I care - that does not excuse your attitude to strip mine this country and run when the SHTF.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Doward;1261622 said:
Have you gone abroad at all? The United States, for all of its flaws, is still the best place on earth.

Do you think China is better? Are you more free in China than in the US?

i have been abroad, i love to travel!

is china more free than the US hell no and how is that on topic?

where i plan to go the idea is to live free from government. i wont be too far from a city to enjoy modern comforts while at the same time, local LEO have no desire to interfere in the lives of people like me.

ive been there, i go there every year. my friends family lives there. and soon enough ill live there. America is a great country. but it does indeed seem like things are changing. hopefully America will turn around for the better, but if not i have an exit plan. id love to say that im sorry if you have a problem with that, but im not sorry.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
lagged;1261585 said:
its not my fault i was born into arguably the most corrupt country in the world.

Yea, Omar al-Bashir in Sudan, Kim Jong Il in North Korea, Than Shwe in Burma, Hu Jintao in China, Crown Prince Abdullah in Saudi Arabia, Muammar al-Qaddafi in LibyaIran, Pervez Musharraf in Pakistan, Saparmurat Niyazov in Turkmenistan, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Teodoro Obiang Nguema in Equatorial Guinea, Fidel Castro in Cuba, King Mswati III in Swaziland, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Vladimir Putin in Russia, all so much less corrupt than the US government.

In those nations, just your statements alone could get you imprisoned or killed. But the US is so much worse than all of them, eh?

You've got a pretty fucked up perspective...


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Supracentral;1261634 said:
Yea, Omar al-Bashir in Sudan, Kim Jong Il in North Korea, Than Shwe in Burma, Hu Jintao in China, Crown Prince Abdullah in Saudi Arabia, Muammar al-Qaddafi in LibyaIran, Pervez Musharraf in Pakistan, Saparmurat Niyazov in Turkmenistan, Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe, Teodoro Obiang Nguema in Equatorial Guinea, Fidel Castro in Cuba, King Mswati III in Swaziland, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Vladimir Putin in Russia, all so much less corrupt than the US government.

In those nations, just your statements alone could get you imprisoned or killed. But the US is so much worse than all of them, eh?

You've got a pretty fucked up perspective...

why? just because i dont want to tolerate being constantly lied to? just because this country is great dosnt mean it shoudnt be BETTER! i am fully aware of the travesties that occur every day in other countries.

but keep in mind america has supported many regimes over its history that have committed atrocities and crimes against humanity!

i am not saying america isnt great, i am saying that our politicians STEAL OUR MONEY, LIE TO US, SUPPORT CRIMINAL EVIL GOVERNMENTS ABROAD and a LAUNDRY LIST of other problems!

and SC what the fuck is up with you? you go from saying lets not take it to a personal level then you go and say i have a fucked up perspective? what the fuck is that about?

i havent ONCE resorted to personal attacks but doward can go ahead and call me a parasite and a disgrace to america and you can say i have a fucked up perspective. why dont you people try a little harder to keep the level of hypocrisy down.

you people are men and you should be able to hold a conversation without resorting to personal attacks. i thought i was speaking mature educated individuals!


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
lagged;1261694 said:
and SC what the fuck is up with you? you go from saying lets not take it to a personal level then you go and say i have a fucked up perspective? what the fuck is that about?
LOL, get accustomed to it. It his board, his rules. You complain about being oppressed and talk about moving somewhere else, yet you can't see that the US has the LEAST amount of personal intrusions. Move somewhere else and expect to see more of this type of treatment.

Sorry, but your comments are rich with hypocrisy.


Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Those politicians are only there because YOU couldn't see the need to get off your duff and do something about it.

These people are VOTED into place.

Start educating people in your local community.

It's not you I have any problem with, lagged. It's your attitude of grab and run. It's the attitude of a looter.

I've always just ignored looters, thinking they would get what was coming to them. Obviously, I've been wrong. No more compromising my principles - I will speak up, and I will speak out against people with your mentality.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
rakkasan;1261753 said:
Move somewhere else and expect to see more of this type of treatment.

so you think i havent spent any time where i plan on going? you think i havent done the research? assume all you want, you guys live your lives and ill live mine. i know exactly where i am going to end up and maybe ill post pictures when that time comes.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
Doward;1261758 said:
Those politicians are only there because YOU couldn't see the need to get off your duff and do something about it.

These people are VOTED into place.

Start educating people in your local community.

It's not you I have any problem with, lagged. It's your attitude of grab and run. It's the attitude of a looter.

I've always just ignored looters, thinking they would get what was coming to them. Obviously, I've been wrong. No more compromising my principles - I will speak up, and I will speak out against people with your mentality.

my principles say i worry about my self and what i am doing. not what others are doing. as long as no one bothers me i dont really care.

why you guys have a problem with that is beyond me.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
rakkasan;1261753 said:
LOL, get accustomed to it.

excuse me but i have been here since i believe 2002 or 2003. get accustomed to it like im an 09 or something.

rakkasan;1261753 said:
It his board, his rules.

and im interested in his response to what i have said.

rakkasan;1261753 said:
You complain about being oppressed and talk about moving somewhere else, yet you can't see that the US has the LEAST amount of personal intrusions. Move somewhere else and expect to see more of this type of treatment.

you assume too much. you have no idea where i plan on moving to.


Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
lagged;1261776 said:
excuse me but i have been here since i believe 2002 or 2003. get accustomed to it like im an 09 or something.

Maybe I didn't make it clear, but I was referring to life in general after you to another country. You are intelligent, no doubt, but you might want to re-think your anticipated personal liberties abroad. If you think that you lose that oppressed feeling somewhere else, you'll find yourself mistaken. Have at it though.

lagged;1261776 said:
you assume too much. you have no idea where i plan on moving to.
No, I don't. Where is this magical land?
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