Weirdest dream I think I have ever had......

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1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
Mind you in real life I don't have a lot of experience driving a stick or drifting at all. I just had to share this with you guys. Sorry for the lack of information but as we all know its hard to remember every detail of our dreams when we wake up.

This was a weirrrdddd frigging dream. This car club I guess it was implanted a thing inside my right hand that would slowly rip my right hand all the way to my shoulder apart unless I learned to drive a 5 speed and drifted this track on this certain day and did it by a certain time limit. Then they would take it out and repair my hand. I guess it was like a week later (you know how your dreams jump around and shit).

Well there I was sitting in the car at the start nervous as shit because this was my only chance to save my arm. I looked at my arm and it was already ripping down to the wrist but a smal rip it looked lol. All of a sudden this guy comes up to my car (I'm assuming he was a member already) and is like "Here this will help". He then proceeds to wrap up my arm to keep it intact until my judgement comes.

So there I was ready to go and then BAM I wake up exactly 1 minute before my alarm clock was about to go off. Now I guess this dream has some kind of meaning to it or I'm just a sick, demented fu**.

What do you guys think?


New Member
Jul 19, 2007
Skam9685 said:
Mind you in real life I don't have a lot of experience driving a stick or drifting at all. I just had to share this with you guys. Sorry for the lack of information but as we all know its hard to remember every detail of our dreams when we wake up.

This was a weirrrdddd frigging dream. This car club I guess it was implanted a thing inside my right hand that would slowly rip my right hand all the way to my shoulder apart unless I learned to drive a 5 speed and drifted this track on this certain day and did it by a certain time limit. Then they would take it out and repair my hand. I guess it was like a week later (you know how your dreams jump around and shit).

Well there I was sitting in the car at the start nervous as shit because this was my only chance to save my arm. I looked at my arm and it was already ripping down to the wrist but a smal rip it looked lol. All of a sudden this guy comes up to my car (I'm assuming he was a member already) and is like "Here this will help". He then proceeds to wrap up my arm to keep it intact until my judgement comes.

So there I was ready to go and then BAM I wake up exactly 1 minute before my alarm clock was about to go off. Now I guess this dream has some kind of meaning to it or I'm just a sick, demented fu**.

What do you guys think?

was it bzp or meth that you were on the night before?


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
mwracing said:
was it bzp or meth that you were on the night before?


(and where did u get it? :naughty: )

I had a dream I drifted into my ex gf, she was walking in the street and I drifted, saw her, and kept going... that was a nice dream. I woke up with a smile... oh yes haha (yeah I said it... I said it.)


Supramania Contributor


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Skam9685 said:
Mind you in real life I don't have a lot of experience driving a stick or drifting at all. I just had to share this with you guys. Sorry for the lack of information but as we all know its hard to remember every detail of our dreams when we wake up.

This was a weirrrdddd frigging dream. This car club I guess it was implanted a thing inside my right hand that would slowly rip my right hand all the way to my shoulder apart unless I learned to drive a 5 speed and drifted this track on this certain day and did it by a certain time limit. Then they would take it out and repair my hand. I guess it was like a week later (you know how your dreams jump around and shit).

Well there I was sitting in the car at the start nervous as shit because this was my only chance to save my arm. I looked at my arm and it was already ripping down to the wrist but a smal rip it looked lol. All of a sudden this guy comes up to my car (I'm assuming he was a member already) and is like "Here this will help". He then proceeds to wrap up my arm to keep it intact until my judgement comes.

So there I was ready to go and then BAM I wake up exactly 1 minute before my alarm clock was about to go off. Now I guess this dream has some kind of meaning to it or I'm just a sick, demented fu**.

What do you guys think?

That's it? You call that a weird dream?


I am thoroughly disappointed. I came in this thread thinking I was about to read some weird outlandish shit and all I get is a story about driving a car?



Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
DreamerTheresa said:
Your dreams ain't got nothin' on mine.

No kidding... I don't think any of you would think of me the same way if I typed out some of my dreams.

This driving thing is some serious remedial shit on the weird dream scale.


1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
Well weirdest dream car related.....I've had other, more fuck** up stuff like I would investigate murders and find notes from the murderer saying I was going to be dead soon. Then at the end of the dream I find out that I was the one killing the people and writing the notes to myself.

Somebody told me there is a movie like that called Memento but I have never seen it before. Callin it the WEIRDEST was probably because I had just woke up and was still in shock to it lol.

As far as the not driving stick thing. I tried to learn on a 85 Ford Ranger and I was like screw this because the clutch pedal was wayyyyyy to hard to push down. I literally had to put all my leg force down on it. He said that was the hardest clutch pedal he has ever felt and that it was a "freak of nature". That was to be my first car and DD that my father bought for 500 bucks but I decided I didn't want it because of that. That's what shyed me away from ever wanting to drive a 5 speed. My father said though that it was a horrible thing to learn on and that I shouldn't judge all 5 speeds based on that.

So now I'm deciding to go with the r154 5 speed swap on my car now and keep that since I doubt it will be even near that hard of a clutch.
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1992 Honda Prelude SI
Jun 22, 2007
Oldsmar, Florida, United States
Yea apparently it was a movie but I had never seen it before. It was my English Teacher Sophmore year that told me it sounded like the movie Memento. I had wrote about the dream in my journal that all the students had to keep and write in for a grade and she read about it and told me how similar it sounded.
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