Weirdest Coolant Symptoms


New Member
Sep 2, 2008
I've already fixed the issue, but the mechanical engineer in me wants an explanation...(also this will be here for people searching
As I would rev up, the temp gauge would read colder. Not just drop off like I expect from the sensor reading air, but just go lower, exactly proportional to rising RPM. Only if I floored it would it drop to the bottom.
I researched on here, everyone with similar symptoms said the infamous BHG, thermostat, or air in the heater core. I was convinced it was BHG, but I replaced the thermostat and ran the car with the front end jacked up real high to burp it. Still the same problems.
So I put some more water in, just to lower the coolant ratio. After that it wasn't as bad, still the same if I floored it but not so noticeable just cruising.
Couple days later on a very hot day coming home from the junkyard, it starts running real hot, but still will cool down if I get on the gas. So I'm flying home, keeping the engine above 4000RPM to keep the temperature in normal range. It starts getting real hot as I pull in at home, I put the fans on it, and for the first time I notice coolant in the engine bay. Upper radiator hose had a little crack in it.
I replaced that, and it fixed it, but why would that cause the temp gauge to read low as the RPM rises? And usually if a radiator hose is cracked, it leaks coolant, but before it started overheating there was never any coolant leakage.


New Member
Jul 28, 2006
gilbert, az
I'm no expert just taking guesses here:

Maybe the hose crack had nothing to do with it, maybe that final drive running really hot did the hose in on your way home. I was thinking fan clutch could have been the problem but if it just went away on its own after the hose replacement, that wouldn't make sense.


New Member
May 20, 2008
water pump spins faster with rpm, so you're moving more water around. You're also either moving faster with rpm, or spinning your fan quicker, so there's more air flow as well.

you'll be doing a HG job soon.


New Member
Apr 20, 2009
Ft. Worth Tx
just to ask the obvious question... is the coolant clean?

I had a similar problem, and people told me BHG.... Well it wasn't. It was dirty coolant, and a crappy radiator. I replaced it with a Fluidyne and put in a new thermostat, and cooled perfectly ever since.

Your radiator may not be flowing right.