Water to Air intercooler, who has done one?


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Curious on some things guys, who has done one on a Mk3? I know IJ has, anyone else?

Where did you put it?

What size did you go with?

How well did it perform? (how much power was it trying to cool?)

I can't be the only one thinking of doing this... I have a few ideas, but space seems to be my biggest obstacle. 1jz application in my case, but would love to hear from anyone who has done this. :)


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
Indeed IJ had done one. Worked great for lower power levels, but sizing was an issue for higher power, according to him.

Despite suggestions to the contrary, given the environment that I'll be using the car in (not ideal to me, but I'll take what I can get), we're going to try and set up an air to water setup for my car. Will be logging IAT's, try to stuff the biggest hardware in that we can, and possibly use a couple tricks to make the fluid as efficient as possible without using an external reservoir.

Worst case scenario, I'll go with an air to air down the road, they're cheap enough. Either way, things will be ducted as best as we can, to make the most of the air available. Should be an interesting experiment. :)