Upholstery Suggestions?


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
I'm thinking about replacing my worn out leather with cloth, and I want something really abrasion resistant. I'm going to have to have a shop repair some of the foam on my passenger's seat anyways, so I'll probably turn the whole job over to a professional. Maybe I'm going a little over the top on abrasion resistance here, but I was thinking something like ballistics fabric. I've noticed alot of the new sporty cars that have come to market have a similar heavy-duty fabric, dunno if it's Cordura or ballistics material or what, but I really like the idea of having tough, breathable seats.

denverfabrics.com has a modest selection of these types of fabrics under their 'Outdoor Fabrics' section. This is the best I've found so far, plus most of their samples are either $1 or free--which is the only way to tell what you'd be buying, since their sample photos are teh sux. I can take pics of the samples they sent me if anyone's interested. I ordered a sample of the Cordura 1000 Denier, Sr. Ballistics 1680 Denier, Tough Tek, and Neoprene.


Their prices seem reasonable, and the ballistic and Cordura samples aren't too rough against the skin while still providing excellent resistance to abrasion. A minute of rubbing the edge of a quarter vigorously on the surface did nothing. The Tough Tek was a little too rubbery (would probably pull hair...) and the Neoprene seemed like it'd be a little warm here in Florida, but who knows. Anyone who's used Wet Okole's Neoprene seatcovers, I'd love to hear how you liked them in the summer months.

Has anyone gone a similar route with their interior? Any suggestions? If I'm headed in the wrong direction here, please help me! I want seats that are tough but still comfortable, and I'm no fabrics expert...

Strangely enough, the one thing that sparked my interest in doing this type of cloth was a pair of adidas shoes I have that have a red-and-black pattern fabric on them reminiscent of the Recaro Jersey Black-Red fabric:


However, that fabric is rather pricey...if anyone knows where to find something similar to the Recaro fabric, I'd definitely be interested...


237lbs. of Ballast
Jun 4, 2005
Tampa, FL
Ok, does anyone have any experiences redoing their interior in something other than leather? I'd love to hear what you used and how it went...

I guess this should've been my first question...