Update pic, shaved door handles, smoothed fin and clear moldings.


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I just happen to have a pic of the side of my car showing the shaved door handles and clear moldings and smoothed 3 piece fin. Oh and the fender vents can been seen too.


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Supramania Contributor
Sep 30, 2005
Clearwater, MN
Im not sure if I like the side pieces smoothed in, yet.

So what happens when you have a dead battery? Open the hatch with the key and crawl threw to the front doors?


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
If you ended up in a pinch with a dead battery, ya, you could crawl in through the rear hatch. Never happened yet. But not nearly as impractical as you might think. Besides, the ladies are impressed when you can open there door for them like magic! LOL

Door poppers of course! :)


It's broken...
Aug 6, 2008
Beach Park, IL
Flateric;1460644 said:
If you ended up in a pinch with a dead battery, ya, you could crawl in through the rear hatch. Never happened yet. But not nearly as impractical as you might think. Besides, the ladies are impressed when you can open there door for them like magic! LOL

Door poppers of course! :)

I had to crawl through the hatch for a good month when my driver's door lock broke


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Thanks guys, I really appreciate ALL comments, but of course a little praise never hurts either! :)

Yes, there is a manual over-ride for the door poppers and they are designed to re-scramble their transmit and receive signal upon each and ever use for security. It was a nice kit and also allows me to pop the trunk and roll the windows down. Or any 4 functions of your choice.

Thanks for the comments on the paint the most. This was the very first car I had ever painted or done any body work on EVER. I also didn't have any firsthand people at all to ask any questions along the way. Towards the end of the paint stage I was certain I was getting carpal tunnel shoulders from all the wetsanding.

As far as bodywork goes, yes, I did all the blending and vents and everything myself. Including the door handle shave. Again must first attempt at bodywork every. Since I am the original owner of the car though it was important to me to do as good a job as I could. The fender vents are actually shown here without their little silver inserts. The rear fin blending was one of the biggest pains in the ass. I didn't want to shovel on buckets of body fill and yet of course I wanted it to be perfectly smooth with no hint of where the original seam had been.

Under the paint I put in alot of work that the eye will never see. I took my time and stripped the entire body down to the bare steel and carefully doubled all the spot welds in the car and then stitch welded where was appropriate also and finally foam filled the frame with purpose made stiffening foam. Nasty messy terrible stuff to deal with in ever sense of the word.

I also replaced the stock, very heavy rear bumper with a much stronger and lighter SS tube bumper. I plan to do the same with the front bumper also. It is however far more complex than the rear is. I unwilling to run with no bumper or a weakened one in the name of weight or asthetics like I've seen some people do.

I have a couple of spare hoods around and am toying with a TRD style open grill vent style ATM. With the same type of mesh as the side vents. So it all matches up well. But not 100% set on that direction as of yet. I see some of the quality one off hoods here and they make mine look like crap. I plan to learn how to make CF pieces this winter. Start small and work my way up to body panels eventually. I lucked into a few large flat sheets of CF at an auction last year, picking up 3 drywall sized sheets for only 80 bucks. I have a DIY home made CNC cutting machine that I have been fiddling with and making my own CF bits with, like the cooling block off for the rad (I had a nice one to work off of there). I also cut my 2JZ logo's into the backside of my clear side moldings which were then painted on the backside so that when mounted the sun does a really nice sorta prism light focusing type effect within the molding itself.

I dunno, I guess I never made a build thread here because in comparison to some of the builds here my car seems kinda sub-par in comparison since to be honest previously I had no automotive experience really. I was a graphics guy for one of the mainstream videogame companies. I owned the car since 1990 when I bought it new. And when my last 7M had issues about 3 years ago I decided not to pay shops anymore for doing anything and swap a 2JZ in on my own for a number of reasons. Wow, have I learned alot since then. Mostly from the help and people in this very community.

Honestly I can say that without supramania, my car simply would not exist. Thanks everyone and thanks BIG TIME to supra central for providing the best community for supra related info I have found. Flashchat is one of the biggest benefits of this community. If you have not tried it yet then you are really missing out more than you know. It also really damned cool to get to know people on a much more personal level then posts in forums will ever allow you to. I've made some real friends in flashchat (you know who you are! :icon_bigg )


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
lewis15498;1461010 said:
Dude your car definitely deserves a build thread! Ive seen some fugly stuff in the build thread section and my car belongs in a junkyard compared to yours! I dont think I'm alone when I say I want to see more!

Wow, thanks man, it's always nice to hear what other supra owners think.

Alright I will start collecting all my pics together and start a thread then.