tuning timing curve


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
ok, havent gotten to change the coils yet but the problem loosing the ign signal is gone. i put a new coil pack harness on when i changed the plugs as 2 of the connectors on mine were broken so i just pushed the pins where they go. im guessing the coils were arcing to one of the pins cutting out the edis. thats all i can guess. i boosted the car and its fine. turned it up to 15, same, turned the manual controller to max which was 20psi when cold out. fine. though it spikes to 20psi on the gauge and levels off at 18. pulls great even in the heat. im guessing i need to add more timing up top as it kinda falls on its face shortly after 5k. i added a lil more and it helped so prolly still need more still. im still going to change the coils out and try to order the 25uf cap online since i cant find one local. the cat and afr's still bounce all over when cruising. what is clt?

msq and dataog are on the same link as before.


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
god damnit!!!!!!!! yesterday car was running perfect. drove it hard ALL day and it was fine other then toward the end of the day the temp gauge was going a lil higher then usual. still on the stock radiator so figured i boiled a lil water out. no biggie, happened a few times. parked it. a few hours later topped the radiator off, didnt take much. started driving and the fucking problem is back. bucks as soon as you hit boost. i didnt change shit.

today i pulled the plugs. 1-4 were fine. 5 and 6 had some high speed glazing, figured ok, must be cause it got a bit warm last night. changed only thise 2 plugs, same thing. checked everything else. i had already swapped in the other coil pack from my friend on friday so its not the coils. only thing i can think of is even though the other 4 plugs looked fine that maybe they are bad? all were still gapped to 26 thousands. i dont get it. i deff am getting tired of this shit though. i fixed the power steering leak yesterday too so it was alot more fun to drive. this is really pissing me off now. i bought a wastegate last night locally so dont got the cash to go grab more plugs. gona wait till my next check and try a set of autolite coppers for a mk4 and see if that solves it again. gonna suck if i just keep going through plugs this fast. i really need to get a set of those individual coils from a camry asap! IM TIRED OF THIS SHIT.


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
what do you mean by dry joint? a soldierjoint? if so why did it run fine all day and then start acting up out of nowhere like it did last time? all i did last time was change the plugs and put a new harness on the coils and it went away.


Apr 24, 2005
Tampa, Fl.
nope. no one local would have it built for the exact setup im running. the ignition isnt controlled byt the megasquirt anyway. only the advance is. the edis handles the firing of the coils and calculates dwell etc.. all on its own. thats why i used the edis. even if the signal from the ms2 failed to be sent back to the edis itll run at 10deg fixed. so the issue isnt the megasquirt. its got to be somewhere in the coils or plugs. i tried a spare module and got the same crap. the msd wires are goo, checked those for cracks as well. im hoping i just screwed the plugs up. i used the ngk v powers this time instead of autolite coppers as thats what clifton suggested. he has the exact setup im running as far as the standalone goes, but he lives in arizona. ill change the plugs when ive got the cash for them. broke this check cause i bought that wastegate. grrrrrrr