Toasted ECT computer?


Mar 21, 2008
Was driving my 88 yesterday (not hammering on it, just a cruise) when it freaked out. Transmission couldn't decide what gear it wanted to be in, engine bogged badly and threw a CEL (code unknown right now), black smoke poured out the exhaust, and after a few seconds of indecision the engine shut down completely. Thought okay, this truly sucks.

Popped the hood, nothing obvious out of place. Temps okay, connections all seemed good. I had most of the lower dash out for cleaning and dealing with the carpet on the passenger side, so on a whim I checked the primary ECU. Nice and cool to the touch, all connections solid. Reached over and touched the ECT computer and had to yank my hand back the case was so hot. So at least one problem is almost certainly the ECT computer.

Anyone have any experience on their ECT computer heating up that badly? What at a guess would cause that kind of malfunction? And would a dying ECT computer be likely to cause the other problems like running very, very rich?

Thanks for any and all insights on this everyone.


Mad Scientist
Jan 2, 2008
Gainesville, Georgia
I also have two ects and I am in Georgia, Gainesville to be specific. If you want you can come by and try to plug one in. I have a 89 and a 87 so if there is a difference it is covered. But I think they are both na units so I dont know if that makes a difference, I dont think there is though.