THought about getting this camera, wonderin if anyone had a review

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
I sold camera's at Best Buy and sold to a lot of people that had gotten no-name cameras on the internet. Some were ok, some were complete trash.

Think about that first statement. I was selling cameras to people that just bought cameras like that one online.

get it? ;)

Granted, its only 80 bucks so if it works even a little, you're not getting ripped off, but for 100 bucks you can find a decent canon, nothing special, but its a got a name standing behind it. I'd just say think twice before buying an electronic device from those unknown brands. I've run into a lot of people that were dissappointed and needed to buy another camera.

Either way, good luck!

*EDIT* shit, I didnt see all the stuff that thing does. Thats impressive, but if you want a camera, i still say go Canon/Nikon/HP/Fuji/Kodak.


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
The major problem with the 79.00 camera is its slow to respond and has a problem with lighting. It will work better outside in the daytime then inside with the flash. If you get it do not set it higher then the 2592 x 1944 setting. the 2 above it are Interpolated, that means "Software enhanced"

I bought my mother a 99.00 digital camera from Best Buy, it was an HP 5mp. I dont remember the model but it really worked great. for only 20.00 more you cant go wrong.


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
JMDigital said:
The major problem with the 79.00 camera is its slow to respond and has a problem with lighting. It will work better outside in the daytime then inside with the flash. If you get it do not set it higher then the 2592 x 1944 setting. the 2 above it are Interpolated, that means "Software enhanced"

I bought my mother a 99.00 digital camera from Best Buy, it was an HP 5mp. I dont remember the model but it really worked great. for only 20.00 more you cant go wrong.

So are u referring to the specific camera Im talking about or just most any $79 off brand? I like its style and its functionaliy. For $100 even I get the cam and a 1gb SD card. and at 5mps, I think its a pretty sweet deal, I dont see how the images could be THAT bad, I mean hell, anytings better than my Razr phone.


Authorized Vendor
Jun 2, 2006
Tampa, Florida
phoenix6 said:
So are u referring to the specific camera Im talking about or just most any $79 off brand? I like its style and its functionaliy. For $100 even I get the cam and a 1gb SD card. and at 5mps, I think its a pretty sweet deal, I dont see how the images could be THAT bad, I mean hell, anytings better than my Razr phone.

I mean the one you are looking at. Its going to be better then the Razr phone.. Its a good starter camera. once you start takeing alot of pics you will want a camera with a faster response time. Its a good camera to start with.

This is the camera I use.


Rockin' the blades
Aug 13, 2006
Serena's Place ;)
JMDigital said:
I mean the one you are looking at. Its going to be better then the Razr phone.. Its a good starter camera. once you start takeing alot of pics you will want a camera with a faster response time. Its a good camera to start with.

This is the camera I use.

well yeah, but really I jsut want something slightly decent, to take pics with while Im out with my friends, we go out so much and none of us have a camera, well one of us does but he lives in Dallas 300 miles away. So I thought this lil thing with a 1gb stick would be awesome./


bobb'n for money
Apr 1, 2005
Personaly i would stay away from the No Name Brands

Sony and Canon have good cameras Nikon is ok, Hp is ok, Olympus has some great cameras even though they don't always look like much.

I have a Sony Camera that was pretty cheap and it takes some pretty good pictures quickly, no problems with lighting or action shots either

Ninja Edit: I have been in the Tech Industry for quite some time. I try my hardest to know a little of everything, obvious you can't know everything though. I just gave you my $0.02

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
Since I imagine I may look at a pic of the supra taken with the camera, I have some vested interest in the quality of the pics.

Cheapest cameras best buy has to offer, all respectable brand names. Plus, you can return any to any Best Buy if they suck. With the 79.99 one, you're stuck paying shipping for a return.

Sort by price. the first three or four are under 100. At time of post, the cheapest two are out of stock, but check back and maybe they'll get more.

My opinion on the 79.99 one you're looking at..... not bad, but not an amazing deal. You can do A LOT better for another 20 bucks.
Last edited:


Mar 30, 2005
Eugene, OR
Look at the canon powershot line, specifically the older ones like the sd600. It's still a great camera with plenty of features and you can find them new with memory cards and accessories for about $200. You get what you pay for


The Backseat Flyer
Sep 17, 2005
Yeah, I like the Powershot cameras, that's what I use. This is the one I have:


and the new one I'm getting hopefully sometime this month is:


But like others have said, if you're gonna spend the money, don't spend it on an off-brand camera. My first digi cam was a no name one, and it was also a flaming pile of dog crap. The second time around I put the money down (then $300 for the S1, now you can find them on ebay for like $100) and it's been a great camera ever since.

But check out this place and read about some of the cameras that interest you, they do REALLY in depth reviews and showcase most of the features each camera has.

suprarx7nut author
Nov 10, 2006
S2-IS FTW!!! I love that thing. Best camera short of a real digital SLR.
*EDIT* haha, so i am using dail-up right now and I didn't wait for that pic to load. haha, anyways.... S1-IS still rules......But not quite as much as the S2-IS;)

I think its clear, go with a cheap Canon. The no-name brands are real hit-and-miss. You could end up wasting 80 bucks or investing 130-150 ;)


Supramania Contributor
Apr 18, 2005
USA if you want to do some in depth researching. Great site about digital photography. I use a Sony camera for all my shots, been very impressed with the past 3 Sony's I've purchased. Canon also makes some really good cameras. I would stay far away from no name brands.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
I'm getting a Canon Rebel XTI tomorrow....but yea, I had a few of those "more affordable" cameras and suggest to you to spend a little more for a nicer one.


The Family Man
Mar 30, 2005
Orange County, CA
You need to look for a camera thats going to satisfy your needs. Obviously the more you pay the more you get. In the point and shoot cameras, you need to decide if:
1. You need one that is compact and can fit in your pocket (a big plus). The smaller they are the more expensive they are, the shorter the focal length and the worse the lense quality will be (but you probably won't notice it). The cameras that have the lense sticking out, in general, are cheaper, have better lenses, and have longer focal lengths.
2. What type of memory the camera uses (if you already have memory cards).
3. If you want the camera to use AA batteries or will settle on special expensive camera specific batteries. (I only want to use AA batteries because they are much cheaper and I can carry a bunch around as spares. I got metal-hydride batteries that last a long time and are rechargeable for 1$ to 2$ each.) You'll probably need to buy a spare battery.
4. You'll need to decide if you want a camera that can take pictures at longer distances (longer focal lengths) or close up type pictures. Typically 3X lenses are what come with point and shoot cameras. The're good for full body shots of people up to about 40 feet away.
5. You'll have to decide on how much pixels you need. For 4X6 prints, anything today will work. For full computer monitor screen pictures, my 3.3 megapixel (MP) camera is just fine. Some of these cameras that have 7+MPs will start showing how bad the lense and sensor quality is. The picture will be fuzzy at the edges with blown up to full size. But then again the limiting factor on picture quality is the lense and sensor, not the size of the picture, so I guess you're getting the best picture from the lense and sensor. The larger picture, i.e. more pixels, the smaller the cropped picture can be and still get a decent size picture. Of course the picture quality goes down the smaller the cropped picture is.

My opinion is to only buy cameras from big camera manufacturers like Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Pentax and so forth. Not from Casio, Sony, Kodak, or some no name brand. I'm not saying you can't get a good camera from them, I'm just saying they are experienced camera manufacturers and knows what it takes to make a good picture.


Feb 22, 2006
Columbus, Indiana
bluemax said:
You need to look for a camera thats going to satisfy your needs. Obviously the more you pay the more you get. In the point and shoot cameras, you need to decide if:
1. You need one that is compact and can fit in your pocket (a big plus). The smaller they are the more expensive they are, the shorter the focal length and the worse the lense quality will be (but you probably won't notice it). The cameras that have the lense sticking out, in general, are cheaper, have better lenses, and have longer focal lengths.
2. What type of memory the camera uses (if you already have memory cards).
3. If you want the camera to use AA batteries or will settle on special expensive camera specific batteries. (I only want to use AA batteries because they are much cheaper and I can carry a bunch around as spares. I got metal-hydride batteries that last a long time and are rechargeable for 1$ to 2$ each.) You'll probably need to buy a spare battery.
4. You'll need to decide if you want a camera that can take pictures at longer distances (longer focal lengths) or close up type pictures. Typically 3X lenses are what come with point and shoot cameras. The're good for full body shots of people up to about 40 feet away.
5. You'll have to decide on how much pixels you need. For 4X6 prints, anything today will work. For full computer monitor screen pictures, my 3.3 megapixel (MP) camera is just fine. Some of these cameras that have 7+MPs will start showing how bad the lense and sensor quality is. The picture will be fuzzy at the edges with blown up to full size. But then again the limiting factor on picture quality is the lense and sensor, not the size of the picture, so I guess you're getting the best picture from the lense and sensor. The larger picture, i.e. more pixels, the smaller the cropped picture can be and still get a decent size picture. Of course the picture quality goes down the smaller the cropped picture is.

My opinion is to only buy cameras from big camera manufacturers like Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Pentax and so forth. Not from Casio, Sony, Kodak, or some no name brand. I'm not saying you can't get a good camera from them, I'm just saying they are experienced camera manufacturers and knows what it takes to make a good picture.

6. How much are you willing to spend? This is partially covered in point 1 but you should really have a set budget before shopping for a Camera. An somewhat exception to this rule would be say you had a budget for 300 bucks, but you see the like-same model that's a bit newer and has a few extra features that might cost an extra 20, 30, or 100 bucks'll need to decided if it's worth that extra amount.

...I have seen a few high end sony cameras that were really nice, but would rather spend my money on companies like bluemax said, canon/nikon/olymput/etc as they have more expertise experience in this field.