The supra has ended my future and my life


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
well it finally gotten to insane that its over. The car went in to get its hg fixed go in today everything is apart and the head is off only to find 2 wonderful things

1. the cams are fucked. He tried to explain it too me but it was complicated but basiclly somethign like the bearing or something was gone.(have to go there tommrow to try and understand it all again)

2. my turbo is fucked as the shaft play is bad and it wiggles alot.

plus my lower ic pipe is also badly cracked and will need replacing.

Im also in debt like 1,500 from replacing rear diff seals, new tires and some other things.

So now im left with a few choices. fix it wich will cost around like 800 for a new head with a cam and however much for the turbo. or sell it for parts and get like nothing for it and be out like 8,000 grand. stupid thing was it looked to be in such great shape when i bought it then everythign started to go to hell. I paid 8,000 cnd for this thing and now its came close to liek 10,000 already been spent and will go even higher if i choses to fix it all.

basiclly my whole 3 years of working has gone to shit and is gone. also now i have no money to go to school or go anywhere with my life. so im pretty much fucked. Only hope now is that either majicall I will wake up tommrow and a brand new head and turbo will be sitting in my garage or B. I create a time machine and go back in time and make sure the damn stupid toyota never made the supra.


Apr 9, 2005
In an Igloo
Sorry to hear it man. Same thing happened to me a while back when I first brought the car out of the garage it had been in for 6 years. (Spent 4 grand on misc parts only to have the head blow the first day I test drove it after getting it back from the shop.)

Good luck getting back on your feet. Parents can sometimes help with that.



New Member
Apr 4, 2005
you don't need to spend 800bucks for a new cylinder head
go to cylinder head international and you can get yourself a reman. head for 450bucks.
thats right buddy you heard me right not 800, not 750, not even 495dollars.
if you order now it is only 450bucks delivered to your home.

catch you say? there is no catch. all you need to do is return the head(your fubar head) back to the company w/ return label provided.

sorry i wasn't trying to market the company here, i just drank too much soda and mad hyper right now.

i think a turbo upgrade cost around 450bucks also i don't know who to send to but wait for other members to respond.

if your exhaust housing is not cracked you should be able to get a ct26 w/ 60 trim or something like that sorry i am no turbo expert cause i still drive my NA around. so bear with my ignorance on the upgrade trim of the turbo but that is what i think you can up grade to.

if you work just save up and head back to school for the education no need to look so gloomy on life.
i don't work myself and i bum off my parents to live thru school for now. :1zhelp:

good luck


Sho' Nuff
Jul 11, 2005
Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
wow, calm down, breathe, it will be OK. Just remember when it rains it pours. Ive had my share of problems too, but dont get rid of the supra, you WILL regret it. Just take your time and fix whats wrong with it. When my celica cracked its radiator and the supra was still down I had to borrow my parents ride for a while. There is always another way to fix a shitty situation. After about a month the radiator for the celica I got in isnt even the right one :icon_conf and now that the supra is fixed, im out of money and cant get it registered and insured because I am waiting for the company to refund me my money for the radiator. So now im still riding around in my parents car and they are shelling out money for gas for their pickup and it seems like im up the creek without a paddle, but there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Stick it out man, it will be worth it.

And if the 'rents cant help and this is your only car there are always CCs, besides it'll be cheaper to keep her
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eat my boost
Jul 10, 2005
Yeah dude. Dunt be so bummed out bro... I went to school before (college life) and lived off of straight student loans for 2 straight years (had a job for like a month or two at taco bell) but I always made it through.. You are where you are for a reason, and sometimes life puts you to the test if you can get out of that sinkhole or not. Take the other guy's advice for it... Parents help... and in MANY cases, they help out alot. I just sold my black supra with a good running 7Mgte but had fuel problems... if I've i would have known how sorrowful you were, I may have just basically given it to you bro. I hope things turn out better for you man.... Take it from someone who's made alot of mistakes man...


eat my boost
Jul 10, 2005
And by the way... Dont sell the supra, You'll regret it... I been thru awd DSM's, VTEC Hondas, a 240sx... but now im on my 3rd Supra... My advice would be to get a JDM motor and pray that its a good running one (just because supposeably it has atleast under 50k miles) Or you go on and rebuild what you got. But just keep the Supra man.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
cwapface said:
bottom line, take care of yourself first. it's a car, not a child, so get a geo metro if you have to and get school over with. your future self will thank you and buy you another supra

yea couldnt have said it better, SCHOOL FIRST, (GF second if you have one) car second/third. I have always had everything taken care of before i looked at car mods. hey i learned the hard way too, man. dont feel bad this will make u that much smarter when handling money.


Supramania Contributor
sorry to hear man :(

...but don't worry, your schooling isn't over at all. apply for federal grants. i don't have mommy and daddy helping me with shit, so i acquired me a nice pell grant, and i'm also national guard (shipping jan. 16th) = 100% tuition waiver for where i'm going now and also 100% free when i go to UConn.

i also know a girl who has a job, her parents are loaded, and even she is getting federal aid. don't worry about it.


Mar 31, 2005
Saskatoon SK, Canada
thnx for the awesome soppurt guys. Though the car is almost beyond my control now as my dad has already lent me too much money and i still havn't payed it all off. So whatever decession is best(even if it is selling the car) and he choses it i don't have much of choices as I owe him a whole bunch. I didn't mean to take it all out on the supra as i know there not totally bad cars rember this is my second one my 88N/a was very good too me and very reliable just my 90 turbo u could tell now that i have gooteen to know it, it has been bagged and miscared for.

won't know what im doing till tommrow though so mean time all i can do is wait.....

I also did alot of reading on sf and sopusly its pretty normal for the cams to get somewhat scored. mabye I should just have them slap it back on and hope that everything will be ok....
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Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
What did we learn here?

1-Work on your own car and save a ton of money.
2-Work on your own car so you'll knothe work is done right.
3-Work on your own car so you'll know what's going on with it and recognize when there is a potential problem and deal with it before it becomes tragic.
4-Work on your own car so you'll have some controll over it and not have to depend on or pay some slipshod hack to screw things up.
5-Work on your own car so you won't have so much time to sit around and feel sorry for yourself (not an attractive quality).

Honestly, I don't know why these guys who don't wrench would even want a Supra or any other high performance car. Unless you are rolling in dough, a high performance car is not for those who are not willing and able to do the do and get the get (turn your own wrenches).

If I had to pay for someone to do my maintance, repairs and upgrades...I certainly wouldn't own a Supra.

Driving a hot car is like dating Pam Anderson in a way. She looks great, and she's fast, but you gotta know there's gonna be some heartache up the road.


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
yo just take it home and park it. get your school shit straightend out, pay off some debts, save some more money and fix your supra.

theres no reason to rush.

also, the cams dont use bearings.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Sep 9, 2005
If you get the replacement head and fix it, make sure to pull the oil pan and see why the cams starved for oil. That is what it sounds like. I have seen many cars do that on an OHC. The cam is furthest up, so the journals become scored before everything else. Assuming based on your info the journals head are badly scored.


Supramania Contributor
Mar 31, 2005
If you turned your own wrenches you could easily be done with the whole thing. While going thru a last divorce I was broke as hell and did things for other Supra-owners, to get what I needed. I installed a set of Eibach's for a friend and kept some tools from that job, replaced a BHG for another friend and got some $$ and extras, etc, etc... U know what I mean?

U don't always need $$ to fix things. U need to find and do things that will get you what you need (be resourceful). I am sure that if you put out a "mayday," some members would help you out (we've all helped each other out in the past). Thing is, no one's gonna give you any freebies. You need to trade or assure us that you're going to put forth the labor, etc. Write out a plan and let your parents know what you are willing/going to do. No one wants to fork out a bunch of $$ and have no assurances either. I was watching an Ebay auction for a head for about $10US.... maybe another $45 for shipping and you have what you need. I'll let ya know if I win it (I don't need it myself).

Only you can decide and commit to what U R willing to do. I don't know a single MKIII owner who does not own a set of tools and does not do "most" of their own work. If you can't commit to that, you can't have an MKIII... Most of us gained all of our Supra-knowledge/skills from other owners.... it's not like you're crossing uncharted territory.

Anyways, sorry for the long response... thing is, like it's already been said.... If you want an MKIII, get off your duff and go fix it. Good luck!

BTW: If it were me, I'd be asking dad for a Craftsman toolset...~$200. Think about how many hours of labor it will take to pay for itself (~$65 per hour here in the US).
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Mar 31, 2005
Fort Campbell, KY
Don't sell it. If you're looking for a head & a set of cams, I have them. I'll have to have it checked to make sure it in good condition, though. It's at a machine shop, so I'll have it looked at.

Also, the machinist I use is BY FAR the cheapest you'll find, but he does excellent work. If you want it surfaced and/or rebuilt, send me the parts & I'll have him do the work. He cleaned it, did all the machine work, assembled it & set the spacing on the valves for $250 or $275, I don't remember.

Pay for shipping (and machine work if desired) & you can have it.


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
Salinas, CA
Why are you acting so surprised? You were warned that an old sports car takes work. Remember this thread?

If you're not rich and want a fast car you're going to have to work on it yourself. Start looking for used parts, enlist some friends to help and get to work.

The most important thing is to figure out how to get through school or complete an apprenticeship. The salary you can command with useful skills will do more for your ability to own and maintain a fast car than working pissant jobs. I went down that road already; now I'm 27 and back in school. It's never too late to go back but it gets harder as you get older. If the car is keeping you from school dump it, in 4 years you'll easily be able to afford one instead of struggling to keep one running.