That explains everything!


Active Member
Dec 4, 2006
lol so its like Dragonball mixed with Street Fighter some other stuff. Thanks this really woke me up


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
It seems like a bit to ask of a fan, but most anime is much better when you hear it in, and can understand, the native language. I watched anime when I was in my younger teen years. My family lived in Japan for 3 years, so I learned enough of the language. The stories seemed much better when understood the way they were meant to be told. Some words do not translate well between Japanese and English, and some phrases and humor are completely lost in translation. To further complicate this, there is no such thing as sarcasm [unless it has been introduced in the past decade] in the Japanese language - the humor or irritation that is supposed to be caused by sarcasm is completely lost, and will translate literally, which can cause great confusion - so if you ever hear sarcasm in anime, remember that the dubbing/subbing company took a bit of liberty with the script, or needed filler.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Yep, lots of time a good subbing group will take the time to explain a joke. Lots of them are based off of how words sound (two words that sound really close to the same, or kanji that look nearly the same).


7Ms are for Cressidas
Apr 1, 2005
Woodstock, GA
Poodles;1272505 said:
Yep, lots of time a good subbing group will take the time to explain a joke. Lots of them are based off of how words sound (two words that sound really close to the same, or kanji that look nearly the same).

You know, in some cases that is true, but on most cases things will never be seen or explained.

One example I can think of is in that show "Crayon Shinchan". I recall an episode where the smart kid in class hashes out a plan for everyone [I don't remember exactly what it was - it isn't important to this]. Well, one of the things that can be said to let people know you are ready, or things are set [kind of like saying "alright!" to get people motivated] is "yo-kai".
The first part of that word is said at normal speed, where the last part is said and cut off quickly.
Well, then you have Shinchan come up behind the kid wearing a monster mask saying "yo--kai--", extending both parts of the "word", which pretty much means "monster" in Japanese.

It is funny if you know what it means, and the moment was humorous, but if you have to stop and explain it the joke really falls flat on its face. I imagine many anime shows have that happen several times per episode.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
dattebayo fansubs explains everything pretty well in Bleach. I watched the dubbed versions and they totally screw up the jokes and replace them with american ones which isn't nearly as funny...


New Member
Feb 14, 2008
Ketchum, ID
Check out Ergo Proxy. My favorite anime series so far. Shinsen subs do an excellent job of explaining jokes and such. A little box pops up with a description of what they were just talking about.

Jervis Mcstabby

Puddin Pops!
Jun 21, 2006
Where Indeed, CA
MK3Brent;1272447 said:
I couldn't even stand 2 minutes... I'm shocked that people actually watch the non-mimicked version of this garbage.

Lighten up man, it's badly done on purpose. I'm also confused as to what you by "non-mimicked". Do you mean dubbed anime? Because not all dubbed stuff is bad (there are alot that do it very well).