Stupid azz bichez....


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Took up all of the reserved seats at like every place I went to when I got off of work today for the PS3!:cry:

I went to two Wal-marts, two Game Stops, Sears, and a few other places.

The PS3's were all reserved in advance at the game stops. They said that they wouldn't even be getting in nearly as many PS3's as the reserve tickets they sold. I bet some poor saps that bought some PS3's for 3500.00 on ebay are gonna be pissed when they hear the news tonight!

The Wal-Marts had a bunch of dead-beats camping out in the "get your PS3 guaranteed" spots since a couple days ago. And the other places were the same story :(.

Good side of the story is... I got tomorrow off work!

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Oh yeah? I work at Best Buy. it is 12:30 AM of Friday, November 17th.

At 5:00 PM on Wednesday, November 15th, people began pitching tents in front of the store.

As of 2 hours ago, there were about 15 pitched tents, 40+ cars in the parking lot, and a line wrapping around the side of the building.

Ab-so-lute Crazyness. :)

I can't wait until the day after Thanksgiving. I am scheduled to come in at 2:45AM to keep the 200+ people in a straight line from the front, to the wrapping around the side of the building, across the HUGE parking lot to the parking lot of the Movie Theatre...all, just a long line of people waiting...



Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL
lol, the only thing you guys should be camping out for would be a lifetime supply of free head gaskets



Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
Lol, the only reason I'm so pissed for not being able to get one is because IF I did get one, I'd just take several pics of it in the unopend box, then prep it for shipping to send to the highest bidder on ebay ;). I'll get my PS3 once all of the bugs are worked out of the first ones. And trust me, there's gonna be issues with them, the ps2 had some major issues when it was first launched, and I'd say the new one will too.

These damn things are selling for 3500.00 bucks on ebay!! Think about that, you pay 680.00 for a ps3, then sell it for AT LEAST 2000.00. Does that sound like a good reason to camp out and get one? It does to me ;).

Boost Lee

Bee Doo Bee Doo Bee Doo
Staff member
Sep 13, 2006
Indianapolis, IN
Pshh, I'll camp out my foot in their ass.

It's flippin' BELOW freezing out there...

with a wind chill at like 5 degrees.

I'll pass.


Maaaaan, If I wasn't so tired right now....I would SOOOOOOO warm up the Supra, and head out there..and be real quiet (I have no exhaust, Open ported elbow, and that's it), and be as quiet as possible coming up, and when I get to the parking lot, just BUST it WOT, fly by all the tents and blow it off and give everybody there heartattacks!

....~yaaaay~!!! ;)


Senior VIP Member
Aug 23, 2006
Hot and Humid, KY
^Yeah I think it's mostly a guy thing with the PS3. I was looking at some of the ppl sitting in the caged in area for the "guaranteed to get a PS3" section at wal-mart. This one dude has his girlfriend there with him. Needless to say she didn't look too thrilled to be sitting there for like 24 hours ;).


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
Yea Ill buy a ps3 one of these days but ps2 works fine for now, people need to get a life, I mean wtf did they take off work to go buy these 600 dollar things that are a bit better but not that much better, I mean God. they'll still be there in 3 months or so and they will be cheaper, and I got a lot of games yet to beat, seriously people youll get to expirience theb ugs if any and the defects if any and at a higher price, so good for you and your loser self standing in line for hours or days and ewasting a paycheck. ;)


Retired Post Whore
Mar 30, 2005
aboard the Argama
Wills7MGTE said:
I mean wtf did they take off work to go buy these 600 dollar things that are a bit better but not that much better,. ;)
a bit better than what? hope you dont mean a bit better than ps2...

also, dont expect a price drop anytime soon