Stock amp harness


is sofa king
Jan 17, 2006
Sedro Woolley, Washington, United States
Hello I am currently installing a butt load of stuff into the Supra was wondering if any one knew what wires are inportant from the stock amp harness under the pass seat amp is long gone and was wondering what to do with the harness now?? .

What wires need to remain?
What can I tape up or get rid of outright ?
Are there wires that are interconected with other sub systems?

I have tried to read the TSRM but I just get all jumbled



Supramania Contributor
Do nothing. Leave the two harness plugs underneath the seat alone.

Once you disconnect the Big plug from behind your factory radio and disconnect the two smaller plugs from each other behind the dash the harness is isolated and has no power or signal. Those harness wires are not connected to any other system.