Sorry, no fly-by's allowed. (vs. Integra)


New Member
May 30, 2005
Finally back to Seattle last night after a long long trip from TX. It was passed midnight and we were all tired. Saw an early white 90's Integra, looked like its been heavily fixed up, so I just passed him @70mph doin my own thing. After a few minutes I noticed his lights came up fast, now he's beside me. He kept going passed me then slowed down (4 times). I gave him the BOV sound as a warning, then he downshifted (loud ass exhaust). I kept my O/D on and took off until 85mph then O/D off, and the next thing I saw was his lights about 5 car lengths back.
2nd time: He stayed back for a while, I returned to my 70mph cruising speed. Thought he's learned a lesson, but NOOOO...hurried up beside me again, and this time he slowly moved up infront until my nose was at his door handle, then he downshifted it. This time I downshifted also....still with O/D off and he was back there again.
3rd time: just entered the I-90 tunnel, after 5 seconds he caught up and entered.....he was catching up (me still cruisin speed) then heard his loud ass exhaust making the fly-by move....I downshifted, held him back for a second, then walked him again. LOLz

My lady was sleeping on the passenger side, she finally said: "Is he ever gonna give up? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep, geez" :)


New Member
May 30, 2005
I'm up in Lynnwood :)

CTSupra: Because I tapped her up good before the race...LOL...just kidding. She knows when the car gets in race/test mode so she had probably grabbed on to something. :icon_smil