Singh Grooves?


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I dunno, read up on these some time ago and while some of the principles may be sound, determining the exact position and size/shape of implementation of them for each use is going to be very difficult. If not impossible without a massive amount of tests ($).

I say go for it, LOL, let us know how it goes, I just sure as hell don't wanna be the guiniepig on this one thats for sure.

Interesting and unique idea though. Not that unique is always a good thing though.


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Oh come on, there wasn't one single thing on that eclipse done in any way shape or form correctly by any standards of measure in existance. It hardly proves or disprove the singe grove thing. If anything I really pitty the fact that they did that to the eclipse and basically shot any chance of credibility down the drain forever. Regardless of the validity of the premise.

That eclipse is an epic thread though.

Only slightly less epic is the guy who dumped 2 bottles of NOS energy drink into his motorcycle's gas tank to try to increase the octane and improve performance! LOL