Simple questions, and correct spelling for IJ!


Tropical Paradise
Sep 22, 2005
Puerto Rico
Just so IJ doesn't complain, I'll use correct spelling here ;)

Anyhow, I'm putting back some of the things back into the engine, mostly to see how everything fits.

First thing's first. Standing on front of the car, to the right side of the engine block, what's the nearest plug for? It has a dark green connector that plugs into it.

Second, can I take out the J-tube on that side of the engine block and just get a block off plate for it?

Third, odd that the Hayne's manual doesnt show it but, where the hell is the stock oil cooler supposed to be mounted? When I first bought it, it had hoses connected to. Yet, it was just dangling next to the I/C. In fact, it wasn't even connected to the rest of the oil system.

Fourth, wtf is the black thing behind the ABS mani? It's attached to a bracket attached to the back wall.

And all of a sudden, the professor just came into the classroom and my mind has gone blank. I'll remember my other questions later but thanks for the help in the meantime!


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
LMAO Inyg!

It's just when the kids type in hieroglyphics I have trouble normal spelling errors bug me but at least I can read them!

If you're on an uprated fuel pump you can removes the J Tube and blank off it's hole, I made a cover plate but it looks like a normal mechanical fuel pump mount so there should be commercial cover plates available!

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to remove the restrictor on a stock pump though as the old pump may have trouble flowing enough to prevent the motor going lean up top! (I'm sure one of the guys will jump in if it's proven safe to do)


Nov 4, 2005
The Oil Cooler belongs next to the IC on the Drivers side. On my '90 I believe the oil hoses come from the pass. side of the engine and run near the bottom of the radiator and IC. Im not sure if it is the same for the '88 or not.


Kurt is FTMFW x2!!!!
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 30, 2005
Inygknok said:
First thing's first. Standing on front of the car, to the right side of the engine block, what's the nearest plug for? It has a dark green connector that plugs into it.

sounds like a knock sensor plug to me. if you're turbo, there should be two of them, one near the starter, and one on an even level as that, more toward the front of the block.

Second, can I take out the J-tube on that side of the engine block and just get a block off plate for it?

yes, as stated previously, that is there to allow you to 'limp' home incase your fuel pressure regluator fails. if you click the buildup link in my sig, you can see how i made a blockoff plate out of the J-tube by simply cutting off the pipe, and grinding it down, then painting it, i believe i posted a pic. once you get it off, it'll be easier to understand what im saying. :)

Third, odd that the Hayne's manual doesnt show it but, where the hell is the stock oil cooler supposed to be mounted? When I first bought it, it had hoses connected to. Yet, it was just dangling next to the I/C. In fact, it wasn't even connected to the rest of the oil system.

as previously stated, to the right side of the intercooler.

Fourth, wtf is the black thing behind the ABS mani? It's attached to a bracket attached to the back wall.

you've got it, it's the wiper motor. :)



Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
Hey, I got an idea, read the F'n TSRM like everybody else....this is simple shit and this inglknock dude is just being lazy, sorry for sounding impatient but c'mon "what's the black thingie behind the ABS?"...jesus there's a limit.
Somebody back me up here, please:
Last edited:


Tropical Paradise
Sep 22, 2005
Puerto Rico
IJ- Thanks man, but yeah, I have a Walbro mounted up (or at least I have it stored in the closet with the rest of the new parts).

Kamil- Thanks for the picture, made me feel like a real idiot :(, but no problem ;)

trydrew- yeah, I'm not sure but the passes on the 88 are stuck underneath the car in the 88 in front of the IC.... I'll keep looking this week to see if it fits anywhere.

shaeff- Yup, those plugs are the ones I meant (forgot to label them when I disconnected everything. Thank God I labeled everything else). I was actually thinking of just cutting off the pipe on the stocker plate. Good thing you did it and it works, now I don't have any concerns for it, I'll do it as soon as I get home today.

suprabad- I corrected myself and I'm sorry for the blonde moment. Too much work here at university and it's wearing me down. Damn good that it's thanksgiving this week and we all get a long needed rest!


Coitus Non Circum
Jul 12, 2005
Down Like A Clown Charley Brown
Inygknok said:
suprabad- I corrected myself and I'm sorry for the blonde moment. Too much work here at university and it's wearing me down. Damn good that it's thanksgiving this week and we all get a long needed rest!

Sorry, I guess I was a little cranky. Happy Thanksging.