Shirt Designs...


That Limey Bastard
Staff member
Now that i've got bowling shirts for me and nick - we were thinking of having them either silkscreened or embroidered with something on the back. We're going for the Retro 1950's look, and we were thinking, names on the front, on the right hand side, and on the back, the name of the bowling team, 'The Elementals' with our names and nicknames of 'El Fuego' and 'Iceman' respectively (nick = blue = iceman, me = red = el fuego).

Problem is, i kinda suck in photoshop, and although i found a few cool fonts; Air Conditioner, Rocket Script and Lamplighter Script, just three lines of text looks a bit dull - so....does anyone fancy having a go at designing a cool logo to go on the back of the shirt?

I had an idea of a Bowling Ball on the back, under the text, with a caption underneath that says 'Dont touch my balls' on it :D

Challenge time! :)

Winnar gets $25 via PayPal

Names: Kai Robinson & Nick Lingen