?'s on painting the nose


New Member
Apr 23, 2005
Portland, OR
I need to re-paint the nose on my 88 (the rubber part in front of hood that the emblem is on). I have the equipment to do it but I would like to know what type/brand of paint to use. What Base (primer), Paint and clearcoat should I be using? Is it really any different than painting a metal part?

Also, the edges of the nose are very prone to wearing the paint off because the edge by the hood is so sharp. Had anyone rounded this edge off before painting? How does it look?


40R 6 SPD SC3
Any good automotive multi-stage paint system will be fine. IE PPG, DuPont, etc... The most important thing is to pick one and use their products only. I don't reccomend mixing and matching between different manufacturers.

Seeing as how it's a uerethane part you will also need a flex additive so that the paint doesn't crack during installation. Also, you may need to apply an adhesion promotor. Your paint supplier can tell you exactly what you will and won't need.

In this case it may cost the same or possibly less to take the part off and take it to a body shop to be sprayed. There are going to be minimal amounts of each material needed used to spray just the one part. You will likely end up with way more material left than you actually use.

I suggest pricing the materials and also getting an estimate from a shop. Then decide based on total cost.