Roommate problems, what to do?


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
Well here is the story, I have this roommate who pretty much violates all the rules of our apartment on a regular basis.

The one thing that really gets me is when I order/make some food and have leftovers, I normally put them in the fridge so I can have them for lunch the next day in school or when I get home or something. But this guy just eats whatever he wants thats in the fridge when he gets home at night. I've even started putting my name on my food so that he knows but that has had no effect. We have talked to him about it before and he stopped for awhile but he has just started up again like we all forgot.

Also he just leaves his clothes all about the apartment and leaves the apartment when its time to clean every week so that he doesn't have to help.

Now this all just sounds like me complaining about something I can fix with a quick trip to the housing organization that runs our housing here. However, every time I go and complain, he just tells them that we don't like him because we are racists (he is bosnian and a muslim). And then he just comes back to the apartment and yells at us for having the gall to report his violations.

So all in all my question is, what should I do about this? The housing service wont kick him out because they make money off of him/are afraid of a racial issue, but I'm sick of just supporting this guy all the time with what little money I have to spare.


Enough is Never Enough
Jan 9, 2008
Houston, TX
get a small fridge for your room and put a keyed lock on your door untill you can either kick him out or the lease runs out... YOu don't have to defend yourself with the racism remarks. Just tell him he is a filthy sob and its time for hime to leave.


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
I was thinking about that at first, but the first thing that doesn't sit well with me is that I don't want to have my life altered because this guy can't get his own food. And the second problem is that we arn't allowed to put locks on any of the doors but the bathrooms in our apartment, it's part of our lease contract.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Scot;1282600 said:
get a small fridge for your room and put a keyed lock on your door untill you can either kick him out or the lease runs out... YOu don't have to defend yourself with the racism remarks. Just tell him he is a filthy sob and its time for hime to leave.

Small individual fridge is a good idea. You can put a lock on the fridge door.

I don't understand your living arrangements though with this housing organization thing. Are these college run dorm like apts or do yall have individual leases like regular apt's. I truly fucking HATE people who throw the race card out everytime they're criticised. They are the reason racism is still alive and well.


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
gtsfirefighter;1282613 said:
Small individual fridge is a good idea. You can put a lock on the fridge door.

I don't understand your living arrangements though with this housing organization thing. Are these college run dorm like apts or do yall have individual leases like regular apt's. I truly fucking HATE people who throw the race card out everytime they're criticised. They are the reason racism is still alive and well.

Basically we live in just a normal 2 bedroom apartment, there are supposed to be 4 people living here (but one roommate never showed up so we have 3). And basically this company runs the leasing for students that go to this school. Their basic purpose is to make it (sarcasm coming up) easier for students to move in and live, by making each student pay the same price a single person would normally pay for an apartment in this building, so they can make a nice hefty profit, and having a very high penalty for moving out earlier, in the form of a $800 security deposit and also charging 2 extra months rent of you cancel early. Basically apartments in this building are $380 to $420 a month depending on a bunch of things, so this organization makes each roommate pay the full rent of the apartment, so they get like $1600 a month for a $400 apartment.

But either way, a fridge with a lock might be a good idea, I never thought of that.

But this guy is absolutely bonkers, the other day he told me with a straight face that he was allergic to hair.


Shut up,bitch!!
Apr 1, 2005
Sunny California
you have to make it uncomfortable for HIM to live there.
spike your leftovers,spit in them,whatever.
buying a small refrigerator is a good idea,but your spending your money on something you shouldent have because this guy is a doorknob.
then of course you could beat his ass too


New Member
Apr 20, 2007
Well, I wouldn't want to continue to piss him off too much because in your absence he can envoke his mean streak.

So, I would really put some lax in your leftovers no more than like twice and make sure no one jokes about it because if he picks up on it, he can get even also. So after like twice, within like a month, don't want to make it too obvious, I would then get a small fridge and put a lock on it.
Unfortunately, you will have to alter your life some when you live in a 'community' environment. <perfect e.g: SM, we have to act professioanlly and respect others, right?> So don't lax him then let your guard down. Most importantly, you and your friends should NOT joke about it or tell others and it may and will leak back to's human nature to let it leak back to him for people to further watch his reactions and laugh. So keep it locked down.

Next, take pics to document everything. Always take before and after. Turn on the date stamp on your digital camera. So if you clean the kitchen or bathroom, take some pics and if he's the one at home document the condition when you return. If he happens to ask, "why are you taking pics of the house?" you can just reply and say something like, i'm adjusting the settings on my camera etc. etc. And finally, create a little spreadsheet and put down his schdeule of his days off and time at home so you can put some notes to the pics took. This is the proof you need to support that his country's lifestyle is being forced upon you in the american society where we practise basic hygiene and respect for OPP is unspoken.

He seems pretty comfortable playing the race card so to deal with him is to make his life uncomfortable enough for him to relocate, because his habits are probably cultural and some of no respect of/for others.

I would definately like to know the outcome. BTW, i'm a realtor and a loan office so I've dealt with assisting clients with similar situations.

Good luck.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Supra469;1282643 said:
So, I would really put some lax in your leftovers no more than like twice and make sure no one jokes about it because if he picks up on it, he can get even also. So after like twice, within like a month, don't want to make it too obvious, I would then get a small fridge and put a lock on it.

He seems pretty comfortable playing the race card so to deal with him is to make his life uncomfortable enough for him to relocate, because his habits are probably cultural and some of no respect of/for others.

I would definately like to know the outcome.

Good luck.

Good advice, but I wouldn't tell nobody about laxing the food, nobody!

Oh, and you might try throwing a crucifix up on the wall or pictures of Jesus Christ.

BTW Supra469, you got a damn nice car...;)


Buzzin' Half Dozen
Sep 13, 2007
Utica, New York
Well I'll have to do one of these things, I like the picture idea, but I'm still not sure, even with proof, if they will do anything. But I'll have to find out, I'll take some pics this weekend and I don't have anything in the fridge right now so I suppose I'll have to leave some "bait".

It's not like I can get him back by eating anything he makes because all the stuff he makes is just random combinations of vegetables and condiments, like his favorite dish is onions, mushrooms, sour cream and vinegar, sometimes with ketchup.

I would feel bad for the guy if he didn't have any money, but he just bought a blackberry storm at full retail price and buys "at least $200 worth of matco tools every week" because he feels the need to advertise how much money he spends.

But yeah, I'll just take the pictures of the offending areas and show them to these people and hopefully something will get done, thanks.


Arrrrrr Matey
Apr 3, 2005
South Carolina
Make all your dishes with some sort of pork product. Don't make it obvious, and be sure to let him eat your leftovers. Then confront him about eating your food, and explain that he ate pork. Allah will not be pleased, and you will profit.


disclaimer: if you get beheaded I cannot be held responsible