Zip ties on braided stainless. Now that's just...
No braided stainless under my hood yet. There WILL be, since Driftmotion sent me the full length, master cylinder to slave cylinder braided clutch line instead of just the one from the factory hardline to the slave cylinder. (I have kind of a jury-rig rubber line in there from the NA to Turbo swap for now.)
Of course that line has proper ends on it, as is only right for a hydraulic line, even though the clutch line isn't THAT high pressure, not like brakes.
I'm not that much of one for the braided stainless line look anyway. I'll use the clutch hose, because it's easier than sending it back. I'll get and use the braided stainless brake lines too, since that has a real performance benefit. I won't go out of my way to do braided stainless for anything else though, unless someone can prove to me that it has a performance benefit.