Random YouTube Videos.... (Some very NWS)

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Official SM Expert: Motor Oil, Lubricants & Fil
SM Expert
Feb 10, 2006
Valley of the Sun
^^^ Most of the details on this system is classified ;)

I can tell you this: It's an all weather, all aspect, passive IR detection/targeting system...no active RF emissions (radar) is required for it to be fully functional. It works on other aircraft, ground vehicles/buildings, missiles, etc...anything that emits a heat signature on both air & ground.

It's input is part of the overall mission computer system that combines sensor data from multiple sources...onboard, other aircraft, UAV/UCAV, satellite, and ground stations. The 360 deg situational awareness provided is unmatched by any other system in the world. Combined with off boresight air-to-air missiles and guided ground munitions, the increase in lethality is increased by several factors of magnitude.

Trust me...you would not want to be in an enemy fighter going up against an F-22 or F-35 :evil5:
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