Ran from cop as he was turning around, got away

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Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Even if they can't prove it was you be ready to be hassled each and every time a cop sees you from now on....

I was in this situation when I was a kid to the extent I got up one morning helmet in hand stepped out the back door saw the cop parked across my driveway, I put the helmet down walked past smiled and waved and walked to the bus stop and caught the bus to work....


Don't blame ebay cheapass
Sep 28, 2008
Raynham, Massachusetts, United States
Tom I will tell you this is a terrible idea.
Legally your safe. Technically even if they got your plates, if they can't put you in the car, they cant prove you did it. The problem is your going to develop a reputation. Theyre going to be looking for you and its not easy to hide a supra. Then every time they see you they will turn around and follow you until your out of time or at your destination. Sooner or later they will get your plates in the act. They will show up at your door and make all sorts of acusations. Not talking to them is the best approach legally, but this will piss them off and make them come after you even harder. Keep it up sooner or later they will get the jump on you, and you will be running from undercovers, or multiple cruisers, dealing with roadblocks and spikes. Being in a small town is actually worse because they have nothing else to do. They get their hands on a helicopter (unlikely,but possible), you're fucked. Even if your get away, your gonna have to do alot of things you dont want to do including ditching the supra to cover your tracks and they still will give you headaches. Its a slippery slope and one to avoid.

Chances are he wouldnt have even given you a ticket. If he did, then you fight it, in court. My advice, pretend this never happened and don't do it again. Drive the speed limit for a while and they will move on.

Hypothetically speaking of course. BTW saying Hypotetically does not make something inadmisible in court.


Tires yeling @ every Lite
Jul 27, 2007
New York City
stay at your buddies crib the nite, leave in the morning, and deny everything if your pulled ova, just drive the supra to your house, and park it up for a little bit.

Ive been in your shoes plently of times with the supra lol. My thoery is that if i pass you and im going 85-90mph and your parked up on the side of the highway, aint no way in hell your gonna catch me.

had a cop chase me because i was driving just open downpipe when i finished my swap, lol he couldnt keep up.

BUt just park up the car for a week or two thats all. And again, Deny everything, it wasnt you, you dont kno what their talking about, Your not even from around there, etc etc etc


Apr 11, 2007
What speeding? what officer?

You were playing duck, duck, goose with your friends...right?

If you get confronted about it, just say they must have you mistaken for a ford probe.

Then say "Damn ricer...good luck finding this speed demon officer."

And go on to say, I really appreciate your hard work. You are a priceless asset to this community.

Then bid him a good day, and move on.


New Member
Yeah... the reputation is gonna suck, but they already follow me around because it's a loud sportscar, and I'm a kid. I appreciate all the advice and will say that I have no idea what they were talking about.

The supra will probabbly be parked for a week due to an estimated 15-20 inches of snow anyways.

I'm going to college in 4 or 5 months and the supra will be parked for a long 6 years, so I just have 4-5 months to avoid getting a ticket. I have an empty record and want to keep it that way so the speed limit I shall drive (when not on the highway)

Thanks and in the morning i'm going to PM mike to please remove this thread.


New Member
lewis15498;1473768 said:
Where did you get that estimate autozone? weather.com says 5-8 for us lol.
where you goin to school, cant bring the supra with you?

not sure where, probably massachusetts (Umass amherst/lowell, northeastern, WPI (Electrical Engineering), but don't plan on having the supra, will prolly get one of the old TDI jettas, and enjoy 50mpg ;) college is already expensive enough, and I would have to compromise with the supra.


Active Member
Nov 23, 2006
Easton, Ma
lol REALLY not the best thing to do in MA.
i've done it before, like 4 years ago in new york. went to visit a buddy at his college and took him and some friends for a ride in my srt-4. i was doing about 90 in a 45 zone when i saw the lights, dipped up to 110, then broke hard and took a corner, he passed by and i pared it for the night. the next morning i was at McD's gettin some breakfast before i headed, a cop had drivin by me when i pulled in, there were now 2 cops sittin there watching me eat my McGriddle.
when i left they followed to the county line then turned around. my guess was they saw me leaving town and didnt feel like dealing wit me.

solution, don't drive like a dick... trust me.
you don't wanna learn your lesson the hard way.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
I've been hassled for 6 over, and I've told the cop to go ahead and write the ticket and that I would see him in court. I have yet to have one give me a ticket, its happened 2 times now.

Topher E

Trance Head
Aug 4, 2005
HYPOTHETICALLY you should have pulled over and said im sorry, taken the slap on the wrist and learned from your mistakes, its called being responsible for your actions.


Oct 11, 2009
Miami FL
SupraMario;1473758 said:
Keep low profile and don't worry about it, nothing will happen...

Im with him on that, i doubt anything will happen. if you believe he didnt get your tags and you happened to hide out right on time. The cop doesnt know where. One of two things may happen, your car is set on a BOLO, where they may look out for your car. If thats the case you have a 1/5 chance that they will actually pull you over. Technically you didnt do anything wrong besides looking suspicious for suddenly speeding off when the cruiser happened to turn on his emergency lights and turn around. Two, youre gonna have a really pissed off cop, that will do anything in his power to fuck you over. Think of it this way, keep calm, body language says it all. First thing i look for is any stuttering, awkward body language, and barely to none eye contact. YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG. Funny thing is if it was you he was after and he happens to pull your ass over the following day he will be a dick. Play it smart ;)

Things to think about:
1) What time of day was it, judging you were sticking the hood out till morning it was night? If so, how dark was it, maybe the cop didnt see the color of your car.
2) Is there a muffler law in your state/province? If so is yours loud?
3) For all you may know, the cop may have just got a call and happened to be in the same neighborhood (weighing options)
4) You owe your friend for being there for you :icon_bigg

Anyways, if i were to be pulling you over it would just to be to mess with you and actually just talk about Supras :biglaugh: Im a good cop, i swear
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