RAINING like a MOH-FOH... crispcaptured


May 25, 2007

Just a cell phone "snap"... and poorly done at that, but it was COLD and RAINING out tonight as I made the customary swap-out of the Supra with Solara...

The Supra becomes utterly BAD BUSINESS when it's wet anymore... and the Solara with the FF on Potenza all-season footing, a COMFORTABLE CHANGE to slog it out (with MODEST power) on the slippery ribbon of road that awaits on my route home.:boink:

So... do YOU like to drive in the rain...?



New Member
Apr 10, 2006
San Antonio, Tx.
If it were to rain here I'd go stand it. Hell, I'd probably even do mud angels in it. Do you understand that it hasn't really rained here in months. Aside those couple of days that we had, the last several months have been dry as a bone. How dare you come in here and complain about the rain!


May 25, 2007
Suprapowaz!(2);1769060 said:
If it were to rain here I'd go stand it. Hell, I'd probably even do mud angels in it. Do you understand that it hasn't really rained here in months. Aside those couple of days that we had, the last several months have been dry as a bone. How dare you come in here and complain about the rain!

Ahhh... be not alerted to my post with your angry thoughts... I am not complaining of the rain, simply making note of it and it's presence today! In the broader context of things, it hadn't rained HERE for some time either! (Nothing like you guys down there...) Last month flew down to Mexico for business... and came back through Houston. You could SEE the dry earth from the sky... turning much more lush up to the north. I'm sure we would all like to see you get relief in Texas and vicinity! TOO DRY is never a good thing... no more than TOO WET!

Here, it is just a sprinkle, really... but I'm sure we would share a dousing or two of this for your neck of the woods if it were up to the will...

BTW... here's coming up out of Mexico... early bird flight at 7:50a.m. and the sun began to rise up from behind the mountains as we began our ascent into the fiery sky!


^^^ Cell phone grab-shot out the plane window... it was quite a sight!



Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
I used to not mind it in my n/a. And id haul ass everywhere. Now i hate it and drive slow as shit everywhere. Plus people are such idiot ass drivers out here its better to drive slow. Tho i do like being able to spin the tires so easily sometimes.


1987 7M-GE & 1991 7M-GTE
Mar 31, 2005
Upstate NY
How's it going Crisp? It's been a while!

I remember back when my car was fairly stock (running 13psi on the CT), I fish-tailed badly going up hill during a light drizzle. Needless to say I almost shat myself. I proceeded with extreme caution for the rest of the ride.

Rain + Supra = Don't drive like a jack ass :)


May 25, 2007
Mo87NA;1769071 said:
How's it going Crisp? It's been a while!

I remember back when my car was fairly stock (running 13psi on the CT), I fish-tailed badly going up hill during a light drizzle. Needless to say I almost shat myself. I proceeded with extreme caution for the rest of the ride.

Rain + Supra = Don't drive like a jack ass :)

Hey! What's up!?

Yeah... I've had those moments, and the MOST impressionable came just coming through Toledo southbound on I-75 at the Maumee River where the fast-lane opens up to another merging fast lane in a broad sweeper. Fresh set of 255 Comp T/A's and I started to spool-up "gently" on the 64mm BOSS Sr. as I eased up a bit aggressively on a WRX in front and to the right of me. As I came around the final arc of the left-hander, my pressure snapped solid and it became clear there was a light "misting" of water from the overcast day on the pavement surface... as I pulled my best effort at NOT shlitting myself while the back end slid wide and began to come part-way around... right tail-light of mine to rear-left hind-quarter of the Subi as his eyes met my NOTABLY FOCUSED (and likely snow-white) expression just before I catch the concrete retaining wall on my left blurring alarmingly close past my left window... and as I LIGHTLY EASED off the pedal... the spool "softened" just enough to stop the rear-tire "spin-up" and my ass came back in behind me in a smooth line-up about even with the Electric Blue Boxer Scoob beside me! I opted to reach out and push the "LOW" button on the EVC and take it easy the rest of the way...

Even still... although I STILL give it a tentative spool-up on less than perfectly dry roads... I almost NEVER push it over 12psi and ALWAYS focus closely on what the car is doing... at the ready to back-peddle the moment my traction-loss GETS RISKY... which is a fine line between "inspirational rush" and "eternal mush".

Gotta love boost. Just not TOO much at the WRONG TIME! (I believe you call that... "jack ass" driving?:biglaugh:



I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Love driving in the rain. Just like being out in the rain, but under some kind of cover, it's an odd experience that I enjoy.

Of course it's all spoiled by the other people on the road not knowing how to fing drive when it's dry, so it's completely FUBAR when we have adverse conditions...


Classifieds Moderator
Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
I drive in the snow for 6-8 months a year, so rain doesn't bother me in the least. Worst thing about it, at least when I lived in Arizona was the monsoon rains they got. When it comes down hard enough that no matter how good your wiper blades or how fast they go, you STILL can't see very far ahead of you... that sucks.

Normal rain though? Love it. Makes me feel a little less sorry for the tires if they do let go. :)

On a side note of losing traction due to rain, allow me to say that Las Vegas freeways, rain, and high powered Supras do NOT mix. Especially if said Supra is on slicks due to the tow rig having to bring a disabled Supra back to the hotel... what an experience. :rofl: