question on ct26 57trim upgrade on a stock supra...


New Member
Apr 13, 2008
so i have a stock supra with a recently installed ct26 57 trim and turbonetic exhaust housing(donno what trim is the exhaust side but it bolts on to stock exhaust) just wondering what a safe boost level i was thinking 10psi? whats the best i can do with stock injector and fuel pump?i m not power hungry so my goal is around 300-350whp. any thoughts on how far i can push it? its a bone stock 89 supra 5spd with a upgrade ct26 57trim no mods at all with head gasket done and retorqued to 70


Formerly redmaro
Sep 6, 2007
Since its stock, anything under Fuel Cut should be pretty safe. BTW since this turbo does flow more air you willl probably hit fuel cut before the usual 11-12 psi, where fuel cut is normally set at.

On another note you really do need to get some exhaust mods to wake up tha engine, and have all the advantages of getting rid of that stock restrictive elbow. I doubt you'll go near 300whp with the car completely stock like it is right now.


New Member
May 28, 2009
Get a 3 '' dp , etc. like redmaro said,

maybe a ic kit, n a boost controller, then u could prolly go near 300hp.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
I don't mean to hijack someones thread here but I was kind of wondering a similar question. I have LEX/550s and a Mongoose 2.75" exhaust, and am going to be going with a 57 trim ct26. I have a 255 pump that is going to be going in here in a week or so.....before the pump, I dyno at 255 at the wheels. with the 57 trim, I should be able to hit around 300ish right? I am going to start another thread in the turbo area about my shitty boost controller and hope that someone can help me figure out how to adjust it. I just want to know once that new turbo goes in there what I should be looking for power wise.


Sep 12, 2007
Milwaukee WI
If you're serious about this car and modding it you should consider the following:

First and foremost, Determine if you're car is car is healthy and in excellent running order.
If you need to repair anything or feel that something is not up to par, fix that before modding your car.
Now, you have a nice reliable, running, driving car and it is time to mod it. The upgraded CT-26 is not going to give you any noticeable horsepower benefits at a stock level. Replacing the exhaust with a full (catless) free flowing system, Intake filter, better intercooler/hardpipes and a boost controller.
With personal experience (a Full 3" system, no cats) this along with the intake and boost controller, completely different car! Woke up and ran incredibly smooth strong. Do this mod.

The next step would be fuel upgrades and a SAFC to control and moniter whats going on.
I would recommend the lex/550s mod, with a bigger pump and an afpr, this tuned properly can make mid to high 300rwhp and still run and drive like stock.


New Member
Jul 30, 2009
Clarksville TN
Edit to mine..... I'm not going the upgraded CT26 anymore. Just got my hands on a sweet deal with a T-70 .68 That with my LEX, 550s, and pump should easily get me over 400 now. after that it is time to get a good management system me thinks now. lol


New Member
Apr 13, 2008
so to this question what else can i do to push the 440 cc injectors before fuel cut? when i accelerate i do get this sutter like a put put put put put sound as the rpms climb above 4000rpm..... is this like a mini fuel cut?


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
No you have other problems.

Fuel cut is like hitting a wall in boost or about to hit boost and as long as you have your foot on the gas your still in the wall.

Stock injectors and fuel pump are both toast at about 330hp. If you want to push 20yr injectors to 400 thats up to you. If you want to push stock fuel pump past 350 have fun melting pistons.

For some reason i have yet to hit fc at 10psi on 57trim on stock fuel. Not going past that tho. Been like that for about a year now from freezing cold to summer heat.

Every car is different tho and some cars hit it sooner than others but some of it also could be due to climate.