Question about DVD indash installation


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I had purchased my 88 MKIII and had it mechanically inspected, appraised etc.. and all the lights, etc.. worked. Then I pulled the CD player out and replaced it with a JVC KDAVX11 (DVD+Video+MP3) (was a Kenwood KAC-6295). Since then.. if I hit the brakes, one brake light goes out, the Climate control number fades to nothing (unless the headlights are on), and the Cruise control will NOT work with the parking lights on. Odd....

So.. I took it back and told them they fudged something up, but no idea what it would be. They told me that my alternator is not putting out properly and that is what is causing the issue.

Okay.. I know the newer ones have "seperate" circuits and you can have one fail that gives you a reduced output. Does the Supra stock alternator do this as well, and would it cause those types of issues?

... a little background.. the stereo also has 2 12" subs running off of a 200W per channel amp that is connected directly to the battery with an inline fuse (no issues like this prior to putting in this DVD player).

Anyone know?


New Member
Oct 25, 2008
Gadsden Alabama
Sounds like your dash light wires ar hooked up to somethin its not supose to be hooked to behind your radio. Also low voltage can do some weird shit to an electrical system . check the voltage with a volt meter to see if it drops to low.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Yeah, the weird thing is everything was perfect before they installed the new deck. Now its all wonky and they point at the alternator. I am going to have that load tested to make sure thats all okay, but the usual signs of a weak alternator aren't there at all (lights dimming when kicking on the A/C, etc..) Pretty sure they goofed something up during the install, but will test whatever I can map out when i attempt the turbo timer install (as I have to pull it out anyway)

Was just curious if anyone had a weak alternator bug up the lights and cruise control like that. I am assuming that somehow, the dash lights for the climate control must somehow be on the same circuit as the brake lights and cruise control. I thought those were 3 seperate systems and not being an electronic genius I cant decipher the wiring map correctly to tell (all I have is a very basic understanding of that map.. lol)

Ahh.. my beautiful Supra.. the car that teaches me soooo much... lol :love:


New Member
May 22, 2008
Reno, NV
Possibly, the ground supply to the unit is actually the parking light feed. This wire usually looks like ground with the power off. I've seen it a lot in the past, usually the parking light fuse will blow, though. Not sure if this is your issue, but it may be worth taking a look.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2008
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The parking light is connected (this plays DVD's - movies... but only with the parking brake on) as a safety measure. I was thinking that this was what was causing the trouble. Not quite sure how I am going to troubleshoot this short of ripping the deck out and seeing if the problem disappears.


New Member
May 22, 2008
Reno, NV
Grandavi;1387133 said:
The parking light is connected (this plays DVD's - movies... but only with the parking brake on) as a safety measure. I was thinking that this was what was causing the trouble. Not quite sure how I am going to troubleshoot this short of ripping the deck out and seeing if the problem disappears.

That may be the best way to isolate your problem. Unplug the deck and any associated modules, check all your fuses, replace any blown ones, and see if the problem is still there.