power steering problem


New Member
Dec 21, 2009
Well I just got home from a drive in my ma70. everything was fine, filled it up with gas and about 30-40mins all of a sudden the steering slowly got really stiff. both right or left.

it's dark so i didn't really look much into it, early tomarrow i will, but till then, it smelled like i was burning ps fluid but i didn't find a leak (yet) and the ps resv. had fluid to the "hot" mark.

I replaced the rack and pinion about a year ago and hasn't had any problems till now. i'm guessing the power steering pump craped out? any opinions would help before i tackle it in the morning.

I also noticed it's not making the "door creaking" sound that usually comes with a empty/bad ps pump...?


Supramania Contributor
Jul 1, 2005
Newark, New Jersey, United States
Check the fluid again in the morning and see how it looks. If its good, i would assume that the PS pump went. I would recommend a new unit, but if you need a used one I have one with 100K miles on it. I work at a shop and I can get you a new unit for a decent price. PM sent, make sure you need a pump before you buy tho, don't want you buying something you don't need.


New Member
Dec 21, 2009
I just realized poodles is from Ft. Worth. thats awesome, I just moved from Arlington to Austin. (sorry off topic) actually now that you mention the belt I herd a slight squeeling when i started her up. but it didn't last longer that like 2 secs. so i thought nothing of it. *thumbs up*
btw I have extra ps pumps. just gotta find out which one works, thanks for the offer, OneJArpus. if i didn't have them i'd be calling you tomarrow lol.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
Yep, look and see if the belt rolled intself over. On my car it was one of the bracket bolts was loose causing it to flex and put it just out of alignment enough to roll it over.

Oh, and Austin is much cooler than this hell hole lol, though I'm still not a big fan of Texas in general.