PIONEER's Writeup On How to Replace Timing Belt

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Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
I told PIONEER that I saved his thread & asked him if he would like me to PM him the contents. He was gracious enough to tell me to just go ahead & post it up:) Thanks PIONEER! The following post are his words & nothing but.


Habitual Supra Killer
Mar 30, 2005
It might be Easier If you remove the radiator/Fan/Fan shroud, But its your call..

1: Stick a socket wrench 19MM in the crank bolt with a extended pipe/braker bar and stick it to the ground and turn the key for just a second so the starter forces the crank bolt snaps loose.

2: Loosen the AC/belt pully to take the AC belt off, 14MM bolts

3: Take a 10MM wrench and loosen the adjustment bolt on the alternator bracket arm. Then use 14MM socket wrench and a 14MM wrench to loosen the top bolt of alternator.. Loosen the 14MM bolt on the bottom of alternator Mounted to the block. Now use a 12MM socket and loosen the bolt on the ALternator Bracket ARM and the alternator should swing down and you can take the belt off.

4: Loosen the 2 14MM bolts on the Power steering pump down below. These bolts will have to be loosened from the Bottom of the car laying on the ground. The Power steering pump should swing in and You can now take that belt off.

5: There are 5 Bolts on the AC Compressor Mounting brackets that also need to be taken off in order for you to get the front metal cover off the engine. You'll notice the Bottom RIght bolt on the front cover is under the AC bracket and the only way to get it off is to take the A/C bracket off. Now the bolt are On the side of the block 2 14MM Bolts. On front of the block 3 Nuts. 2 14MM and 1 12MM. Take these 5 nuts/bolts off and the compressor moves out of the way.

6: Now, Make sure the Crank is pointed at "0" Top Dead Center..Use a Pully puller to pull the Crank pully off. Be careful if using Pry bars or screwdrivers b/c you can chip a good chunk of the crank pully and cause yourself more headache. Use proper tools. Pully puller YOu can rent from Autozone for $15. Once Pully is Off

7: Now there are 5 10MM bolts on the Upper Plastic Timing cover (black Cover). before you can take this off, The Thermostat housing May need to come off.. 2 10MM bolts. Remove the thermostat bubble and remove the front upper timing cover.

There are 3 10MM bolts on the lower Metal Timing cover. Remove those and Now the front cover should slide off exposing the belt and the gears.


1) loosen the Timing belt Tensioner 1 14MM bolt. Use needle nose pliers to take the Spring off.

2) Point the Cams Notches to the TOP 12 O'CLOCK (both Cams)

3) Slip the belt on carefully not to move the crank or the cam positions.

4) Put the Timing belt tensioner back on, Use needle nose to put spring back in place. Pull on the tensioner to make sure the belt is nice and tight.

5) This is A Good chance to Change your front Seals and Oil pump drive shaft seals If your Seals are old or wore out.

Put the Front Cover back on and start putting things back togather..


Grumpy Old Man
Mar 30, 2005
I come from a land down under
Idealsupra said:
and for the record... the timing belt doesnt need to be changed until its broken in all honesty. thank you non-interference 7m :D
Think I'd rather change it at the service interval than risk being stuck somewhere 500 miles from home even considering it won't hurt the motor when it lets go ;)!


Conjurer of Boost
Mar 30, 2005
Pauma Valley, CA
I had the Timing belt tensioner pivot pin fall out, go to the bottom of the lower cover, wedge itself, and proceed to shred my timing belt. So I would also suggest checking it to be sure that pin is secure. It's a simple and quick thing to check and as they say. An ounce of prevention......


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
also be sure to turn the motor around a couple revolutions to be sure that everything is still lined up correctly, sometimes you could be off a tooth and itll throw everything off.


Apr 4, 2005
It is a good idea to replace the tensioner pulley as well. It is a relatively inexpensive part that gives you the piece of mind that the bearing inside won't sieze up causing the pulley to melt in half.


Supramania Contributor
Apr 1, 1983
The beach
I am going to lock this since the writeup was posted, and thier doesnt need to be any more posts on the subject.

And for the record, it is wise to change the timing belt if you have the chance, not to wait untill it breaks and leaves you stranded on the side of the road.
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