Paypal Sucks!!!


New Member
Feb 5, 2008
Houston, TX
They do not lock your account for no reason... Been selling things and using paypal to collect funds. It offers protection to both sides but you have to make sure your following the rules they have set in place for transactions or you will end up without your item/money.


T-virus infected
I have to agree with many others.. They Do NOT freeze your funds for any reason.. Usually they will do that if a buyer has a claim open.. Have you had any disputes recently in the past or present? I actually sold a part this morning for 975 and transfered it to my bank account as soon as I received payment. I've been dealing with paypal for over 10 years and have not once had a problem with them.

I would call them and see what the problem maybe. I know they are having techinical difficulties with something today but I insist you call them ASAP and find out what the problem is. DO that and report back with what they've told you.


New Member
I disputed a case for 113 dollars, and paypal agreed with me and gave me the money back (I keep a balance of 0.00 in my account)

3 months later I get calls from a collection agency because my account is -113 dollars, I call paypal and after hours on the phone they realize the money never went back into my account, don't apologize and hang up.

HOURS on the phone, and a worry about my credit report being screwed by a collection agency.

'85 supra

garagedoor man
Aug 27, 2008
Possible the reason for holding your money just recently is the up slope off sales you've had. In other words, if before you were only transferring 200 a month, then all of a sudden in a week and a half you've transferred 800, that throws a flag up. Although they say the money could be held for 21 days, all they really want is a review/confirmation from your customer that they indeed receive what they paid for. So politely let them(customer) know you need them to confirm with PP as soon as they receive their item. Then after that this hold wont happen again unless their are issues. I use PP for the convenience and speed of payment to others.
That being said, I do feel their % fee is high. But you do get the security of making disputes when you don't receive something you've paid for. Ooo crap that reminds me I need to do a dispute right now before my 30 days on an HKS MHG and ARP studs I haven't received in three weeks. Can't do that with a money order :). Kcyabye


Active Member
May 19, 2010
I had this happen to me. Way back in 2003 (before paypal and ebay had banned most gun parts) I sold a part for a rifle on ebay and paypal misunderstood what the part was because the buyer put the wrong description in the payment. He put the payment title as "assault rifle magazine". It wasn't for an assault rifle. It was a factory non-detachable mag for an SKS. It wasn't, but no amount of explaining would undo what the buyer wrote. Ebay was fine with it, it wasn't against their rules (which were the SAME as paypal).

So what paypal did first was send the money back to the guy who bought the part (3 days after the payment was accepted, AFTER I ALREADY SHIPPED IT). So I was out the part and the shipping cost. Then they froze all the funds from my business that were in my paypal account for 180 days. This was enough to pretty much put my online car parts business OUT of business, and I had to scratch the money together to ship about 10 more pending orders out of my personal funds (which weren't much at the time). They also banned me from paypal for LIFE, and refused to delete my personal information they had stored in my paypal account (including bank account numbers), and refused to allow me to reset my password or delete my account. I was able to request a check for the account balance after the 180 days were up.

Unable to accept paypal on ebay or on my website, my business completely died. People on ebay don't want to send money orders anymore. I tried several other online payment services, but people just didn't trust them or refused to sign up for them since they already used paypal.

Fast forward to 2009...

I called paypal and told them I wanted to use their service again, because it was the online "standard", but was banned for breaking their user agreement. I didn't get into my feelings about being banned. They reinstated my account, just like that. All I had to do was click a thing that said I wouldn't break the rules again upon logging into my account.

Yeah. So... the moral here is don't store money in your paypal account OR any bank account attached to it. I now have a separate bank account JUST for linking to my paypal account. Also, don't sell anything that's even close to breaking their user agreement. Which is a BROAD range of things. You'd be surprised what they don't allow. Read the user agreement is you haven't.

I still hate paypal and avoid using them if I can.