Onboard Video - Quick drive


Supramania Contributor
Apr 14, 2006
Over the pond
7mge doesn't have the power :D (though it's all about the tires)
I don't understand how it get's bumpy when "drifting"? Though I'd like to see a vid like that :)


"The Ninja"
Nov 1, 2005
Lol its was an alright video... but you should take it to a parking lot or so.... I did a couple hours ago in a Geo Tracker LMAO

I would like to think you don't drive like that all the time, just for the sake of the video. But driving a Supra in the winter isn't the easiest/funniest thing to do. I've lost control and had to drift around a couple corners in my old NA.

If my turbo was running, Id take it to a lot and dick off. Just for the sake of posting fun on here in a "safe" spot. But drivin it in the snow... hell no... the guys that do are alot braver then i am.

Kudos on the video, minus a couple for WOT on the street in snow and people in the car. but all and all its just my 2 cents.


New Member
Mar 28, 2009
Lithuania, Klaipeda
carter;1483380 said:
. But drivin it in the snow... hell no... the guys that do are alot braver then i am.


If it was your only car, you would have no other choice. You get used to it in a while and it becomes a normal thing.


shaeff is FTMFW!
Mar 30, 2005
MA, 01440
WOW what a bunch of prudes!
I saw nothing wrong with the way you were driving, you weren't throwing it sideways everywhere you went, and there was no traffic where you did decide to break traction.

Believe it or not, the Supra is an extremely capable car in the snow, I remember driving mine in a storm that we got 6" of snow and I only had Goodyear Eagle RS-A tires on the car, not snow tires. I can only imagine how much better it would be with snow tires or even studded snow tires.

The people that "don't go full throttle" or "don't go out in the snow" are the ones I hate to be driving around or near when it decides to snow.

8 Posts about how bad it is to drive like that... Feel like this forum is full of old ladies sometimes.

Scotty: Good driving, good video. Post up some more! (what camera did you use?)


Back in the game!
Jul 16, 2006
supra90turbo;1483508 said:
WOW what a bunch of prudes!
I saw nothing wrong with the way you were driving, you weren't throwing it sideways everywhere you went, and there was no traffic where you did decide to break traction.

Believe it or not, the Supra is an extremely capable car in the snow, I remember driving mine in a storm that we got 6" of snow and I only had Goodyear Eagle RS-A tires on the car, not snow tires. I can only imagine how much better it would be with snow tires or even studded snow tires.

The people that "don't go full throttle" or "don't go out in the snow" are the ones I hate to be driving around or near when it decides to snow.

8 Posts about how bad it is to drive like that... Feel like this forum is full of old ladies sometimes.

Scotty: Good driving, good video. Post up some more! (what camera did you use?)

Lol, these people must not get snow too much. I have driven in similar conditions with my DD 02 altima, and been in up to 18" in my old jeep.

Nice video. What camera?


Ive Infracted
Apr 6, 2008
Richmond, Virginia, United States
My Supra and I terrorize the streets here where I live. The neighbors are always yelling at me for spooling my turbo and doing burnouts out infront of my house. I usually do 100+ in it on a daily basis on my way home from work. Both entrances into my neighborhood have nothing but doughnut rings from where ive "marked" my territory.

Heres a little story about something that happened to me a few months ago. I was on my way home from work in "Patches" aka Supra. It already got wrecked one time being dumb. So I was driving along on a divided highway that has three lanes on each side. It was really wet out and about temp about 40 degrees out. Ill admitt my rear tires were pretty much warn out. So I decided to just build boost in 4th gear when the back end came around with no warning at all. Ive driven plenty of fast cars and I know how to pedal a car when looking for traction. You never know when you can hit a bad stretch where its very slick. In this situation the rear tires work against each other and will make you spin out in a heartbeat. Luckly nobody was around me when this happened, but I did have to get a towtruck to get me off the median that I went ontop of while sliding backwards at 40mph. Thank god my baby didn't come into contact with anything solid that hurt it. I still thank my lucky stars that the car is ok. Ive had to work hard and sacrifice much to have that car and you can loose it in a heartbeat being an idiot. Save it for when its dry and run that mother into the ground so you can swap whatever it is that you want to swap to. If you total it its gone forever.:: snowart :::: snowart ::


Jun 10, 2008
Conroe, Texas
going that fast in the snow and playing around like that. I wouldn't take my chances. Its okay if we start sliding and go off the road and flip its just compacted snow right.


New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Portsmouth, NH
supra90turbo;1483508 said:
WOW what a bunch of prudes!
I saw nothing wrong with the way you were driving, you weren't throwing it sideways everywhere you went, and there was no traffic where you did decide to break traction.

Believe it or not, the Supra is an extremely capable car in the snow, I remember driving mine in a storm that we got 6" of snow and I only had Goodyear Eagle RS-A tires on the car, not snow tires. I can only imagine how much better it would be with snow tires or even studded snow tires.

The people that "don't go full throttle" or "don't go out in the snow" are the ones I hate to be driving around or near when it decides to snow.

8 Posts about how bad it is to drive like that... Feel like this forum is full of old ladies sometimes.

Scotty: Good driving, good video. Post up some more! (what camera did you use?)

Haha! The man. Yeh, I'd have to agree that supra's are more capable in the snow than allot of other RWD cars that I've driven. Shit, I commuted from portsmouth to barrington NH almost everyday last year with absolutely NO tire tread...granted it was to commute not to mess around. I can't really say I condone doing over 65 MPH on an highway in packed down snow because shit does happen and when it does in a supra, the shit usually hits and breaks the fan in a big way ya know!

Find a parking lot.... drift the hell out her...... and slam into a light post cuz it's better than slamming into a commuting mother or anybody for the matter.


2JZ no sh*t!
Mar 5, 2007
Stockton, CA
Imo playing with a car in snow is a blast. Its awesome making a vehicle stay in control by being out of control......but I leave that fun for my jeep. Its an easy replacement and relatively safe. I would never do any playing in the snow with my supra because its impossible to find them anymore. To me its not worth putting it at risk just to play a bit. You seem like a pretty good driver, just might want to consider doing that kinda stuff in something with a little less value. Kinda wish there was more drift footage tho. Haha.