OkieRA29's stock semi-freshening


New Member
Oct 22, 2008
Oklahoma City
Okay, saved this one from the crusher for 200$.


Not much to look at and the interior is/was pretty ratty. The car did not start. I had oil on top of the spark plugs. I Fixed it nice and quick and got new plugs and wires. She fired right up. I hadn't figured out some way to get the oil out before removing the plugs, so she was really smokey for a couple of minutes:biglaugh:
After the smoke cleared, she ran very well. I got a new door for the passenger's side


Found a new carpet and a couple better bumpers for the front. Tore out the old carpet, only to find that the stuff under it was really, really wet. Not to mention that I had a coolant leak from the heater core return pipe. A couple of weeks later. I have newer carpet installed. The carpet has been cleaned repeatedly before installation. Unfortunately, here in Oklahoma we have this nice red dirt that stains everything it gets on. Trust me, that stain on the driver's side was ten times worse before.



I have the rest of the parts to complete the interior, they just are not installed. As you can see in the above pics, I did locate a minty stock stereo at the junkyard today. I also stumbled across these in the same car. They were too nice to leave there so I brought them home as well.




I may go back and get the rears later so that my pattern matches. Funny thing is they did not come out of a supra!! I will give everybody one guess what kind of car they came out of.
The rails don't exactly match up, but that is not a bid deal to me. I figured that I would use the lower frames and such from my seats and use the backs and the lower cushions from the new seats. The new seats are manual except for the lumbar supports. Good thing is they only ran me 30$ for both.

I got the passenger's fender off tonight as well. The P/O whacked something with the front passenger's side. So the fender is a bit banged up. Nothing a little whacking with a hammer and dolly shouldn't be able to fix though. Here is how she sits tonight. You can see the extra bumpers and such. Eventually, they will be combined to make one good bumper. I also have the passenger's headlight assembly in the trunk to fix that as well. Hopefully, this should all be completed in the next month or so.
Then I just have to get a title, tag and insurance



New Member
Oct 22, 2008
Oklahoma City
Seats are from an 86 Celica GTS. It kind of surprised me when I opened the door at the junkyard only to stare down at a miniture supra interior. I love that Toyota used as many common parts as possible. The steering column surround, stereo, front seats, rear seats, interior door handles, lock buttons. There were a ton of parts to use. All the none GTS celicas are not this way. At least the ones I saw at the yard yesterday.
I did finally get the old bumper off. I still have a couple of bolts that will need drilling out, but that is not a big deal. I also got the passenger's headlight mount out and the new one in. She is starting to look like a supra again.



New Member
Oct 22, 2008
Oklahoma City
I am waiting to replace the passenger's door until I have the fender beat out a little more. I worked at it with a dull chisel and a rubber mallet. The rear of the fender is creased from where the door was binding on it. Don't worry, I know what I am doing. I have done quite a bit of body work. Unfortunately, all my dollies are rounded and I needed a pointy one to get the crease back. I will start to flatten out the outside and form the curve back with regular tools now that I have the general shape back.
That will be quite a while before I get there. First I have to finish re-roofing the house. I started in July and I can see the end now. Lots of rot and water damage that needed fixing. Not to mention the six layers of shingles that took forever to get off!!!


New Member
Oct 22, 2008
Oklahoma City
Okay, I had thanksgiving weekend off, so I got some time to do some stuff on the supra. First off, I got the bumper fitted and in place. I still need to do some work on the passenger's fender so that side is not complete. I did get the new marker and turn signal light installed on the driver's side. The foglights still don't work, but I am hoping that it is a bulb issue and not a wiring one. Here she is with her new nose job.


I still need to get a home depot lip installed as well. More pics when that happends.

The biggest news is I got the interior back together mostly. New seats, newer carpet, new steering wheel and new steering column surround. Here is that work.


The seats are nice and comfy. The only thing I need to do was transfer the seat cushion on the driver's side to the seat frame from the original seat. Everything else just bolted right to the frames of the supra seats. It is really nice to sit in the car and not have metal bars poking you in the ribs:icon_razz
The steering wheel is out of the same celica GTS that the seats are from. Again, it just bolted right in and the cruise control just plugged right in as well. The steering wheel has been rewrapped at some point and is nice and smooth. No rips or tears.


Now I just have the passenger's side door to work on along with the fender. I forgot, I still have the new dash to install with the new dash surround and fix the heater at the same time. Then the exhaust after that and she will be road ready. I will have to title 42 her, but that is not a big deal. I hope to have her back on the road before the beginning of the year. Then I can get back to the celicas


New Member
Oct 22, 2008
Oklahoma City
Thanks guys, I am having a lot of fun with this one. I still need to figure out what I am gonna due for a 'ghetto' exhaust. Trying to do this on a budget. I think I am succeding. Got a total of about 500 or so in it now. Most of the parts were either free or junkyard cheapies. I think the most expensive part is going to be the fee for the tag. It is out of date by 6-8 months.


New Member
Oct 22, 2008
Oklahoma City
Okay, spent some time with the supra this weekend. Got the old dash pulled out and the new one installed. Not much progress, but it is something. Also got a line on a couple of other supras that might get picked up soon. Anyway, I took some pics of the change out. Not like putting in a new engine, but it makes me feel like I have done something.

Old Dash coming out

Old dash out. Notice the start of the mini grand canyon forming.


New dash before going in. Looks much better than the old. Best part was the price at the junkyard... Nine whole dollars!!

New dash in and all buttoned up. Looks spiffy now. I even cleaned the gauge cluster and installed the new surround.

Then I took her out for a spin. No mufflers still and no tag as well. I just took her around the block and cleared out the engine a bit. Of course, to do that I had to get in it abit. I think I scared all the kids in the neighborhood. I forgot to video it for posterity's sake. Next time I will get a passenger to do that. Next up is the tag and title! Then the windshield. Still have to figure out a hatch solution as it has several holes from someone's botched spoiler installation.:nono:


New Member
Oct 22, 2008
Oklahoma City
Yeah, 9 bucks. Local Pull-a-Parts. They are strange, sometimes you walk up and they floor you with an unbelieveable price. Other times you walk up with the same part and they rape you. I wish I could figure out the pricing schedule. Last thing I bought there was used fuel injectors... 1.50$ a piece!!!!

I am really hoping to bring this one home in the next month or so. It has to be finished, before the wife will allow it in the driveway. No redneck cars on blocks for her!!!


New Member
Oct 22, 2008
Oklahoma City
Well I got her home. I will have to look around for some of the video of the drive... really loud!!! Today I was bored and thought that I would clean her a bit. One thing led to another and now most of the interior is out of the car. That allowed me to really inspect the rear hatch and seat area for rust. Luckily, most is just surface rust. Some was taken care of real quick.
Spare Tire well, just scuffed it with a wire wheel and threw on some primer sealer to keep the rust at bay.

Then I started to inspect the rest. The rear of the wheel wells looks a little rusty, but it is just surface.


The passenger's side in the rear seat area had the worst stuff. Again, though it may not look it in the pics, it is just surface right now... forgive the dead bugs, I haven't vaccumed yet:icon_bigg


One question, the yellow plastic tube coming out of the roof area and running down into the rocker is a drain line correct? If so, is there any way to check the drain point to make sure that it is not clogged. I want to make sure that the rain and such is not creating a worse problem.
