Ok, now Im a perv, and I hit 5 year olds... This is serious now...


Supramania Contributor
Jan 13, 2008
Northeast Philly
savannahashlee;1229460 said:
Sadly, I agree with IJ on this one...Christy needs to handle this on her own..If she does it on her own, the police and everyone else will take things more seriously..In turn, they will be more apt to determine him as actually be "Unfit", not just a "Lover scorned" because she is with someone new..What people forget to see is Johnny is the only one truly suffering here..
And trust me on this one reign: If that man made those allegations, he can program them into Johnny's head that it happened...Psychologists here do it all the time to abused kids..Whether or not he likes his dad, he trusts them, and can/will be easily lead by his dad..He's at a very impressionable age and as you can already tell, his father is manipulating that..Its only a matter of time before he'll get johnny saying it, and you'll find your ass behind bars trying to prove your innocence...

It's so fucked up but true!

Authorities don't fuck around when it comes to kids...and they take there sweet Jesus time on the case! This somewhat happened to a friend of mine...his ex got mad and told the police that my friend was touching her little girl...she got her girl to say it also...he delt with the bullshit for over a year untill his ex came clean...even they social services kept a restraining order on him for months fallowing!

I really don't want to be you right now....but damn I wish I could do something!!! An accident needs to happen!


Sep 29, 2006
Sydney, AU
IJ.;1229217 said:
You wouldn't see me for dust.

NO ONE needs that shit in their life and you're signing on for years of this crap Jake.

It's just not worth it.

I read your whole story and there are several key things that come out of it.

A) This guy is a weasel, can't approach you directly if he has any grievances so he resorts to his ex with text messages. It's just like online chat... anyone can be a hero when you can't see a face, or hear a voice.

B) This is her mess I don't know the fully history but her sorting it out and leaving you out of the equation completely would make a lot more sense and be the viable option. Since when would a man get away with hitting/abusing a woman?

But then I also agree with IJ, it's not to be rude/insensitive/cruel but sometimes in life you want certain things a certain way. I for example like most guys (not being insensitive here) prefer a women with a nice toned body but more so I need brains in a woman, if she's not educated I steer clear. Does it mean I'm cold hearted for not wanting a larger woman? Maybe... but then again everyone in this world has something to comment about one's actions so you just need to look past it all and go "yeah whatever.. I live once there are 8+billion people in this world maybe I just want to give it my best shot and go for what my heart really desires".

I also reckon that this guy will get insanely frustrated if you keep stringing him along by not meeting up as he's obviously loosing sleep over it but can't face the facts and reality. He may stop texting when he realises he has nothing in his life going for him and that he is getting nowhere. Giving him no taste of victory will hurt him a lot more than a physical altercation.

Again ultimately it's your choice and if you're truly happy with what you have (great Woman, lovely kid) then by all means go for it.

Guess all you need to make sure is you don't look back at it all and go "what if I..." "I should have" "I could have" because you can't change the past but you live for the future.

flight doc89

Registered Murse
Apr 21, 2006
Bessemer, Alabama, United States
Keros;1229156 said:
You'll just have to buckle down and take it. I don't think a text messaged accusation is going to hold up in court to prove you're a bad guy or unfit to be with the kid. He, unfortunately, has a right to free speech, so he can say whatever he wants... imho, he's just trying to get you into a confrontation, and don't be surprised if he waits for you to throw the first punch so he can claim self defense.

what about defamation of character? Could a text message be used in a libel/slander suit?


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
That's a good point...

You all make good points... This is a VERY difficult thing to deal with... I just feel Im in too deep now... if I bail, I hurt not only Christy, but two beautiful children who dont deserve it...

I have no intention of meeting with Tom... I sent him an email and told him that if he wanted to meet me we could meet at the police station...

As for why no restraining order has been filed: Christy has tried twice, but in Florida, apperantly, you can say ANYTHING you want, be as creepy, break and enter, steal, write checks, etc all you want, so long as you dont threaten soemone.. He has stopped short of actually threatening to harm her...


1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
flight doc89;1229574 said:
what about defamation of character? Could a text message be used in a libel/slander suit?

Not even close. What has to happen is for her to gain sole custody of the child.


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
Her biggest problem will come from her having you living with her before she is even divorced. The courts will look past it, but it will give his side something to bicker about. I went through this in my divorce, but I was the one fighting to keep custody. Here are a few things I learned going through it. The first one she doesn't seem willing to do, and it is too late now even if she decided to.

1. She should have kept things as squeaky clean as she could. Kicking you out now will have no effect, as he already knows of it. The best you have now is for you to keep yourself as squeaky clean as you can. That means DO NOT go and meet this guy. If you do get drunk or whatever, do it at home, after the kids are asleep and clean up after yourself. Ya Right, just abstain til the divorce is over.

2. Keep a record of EVERYTHING that happens pertaining to the guy. If Johnny says it, write it and keep it. This could be record of Tom's mental abuse.

3. Do Not talk with Johnny about any of it, unless he starts it, and Do Not bad mouth his father in front of him. That's a tough one. He probably loves his dad, and will turn on both of you if he hears too much of it.

4. I believe this one to be true! I don't think you are required to allow any visitation during this time. Consult your lawyer on that. And, I believe he should be paying child support even before it is finalized.

5. Stop providing Tom with ammunition. I would only answer him if it pertains to his children. Do not even answer other meaningless IM's/e-mails. She does not owe him any explanation for anything. He deserves it if it is about his kids. Break all ties with him, and quit causing worry for Christy, yourself, and the kids. Again, only respond to the bare minimum about the kids. You can even let him know. Have Christy le thim know she is divorcing him because she wants nothing further to do with him.

6. Keep up with what you spend at the house (ie. help with house note, utilities, food, etc.). This is not to make you feel good/bad, or to have anything to fall back on or hold over her head. It is simply for court purposes to show that it does cost money to raise children, and his income being gone doesn't change that.


Supramania Contributor
Aug 15, 2005
Naples, FL

Ask him to go on a fishing trip with you.

Bring him down here to the Everglades.

Call me.



Banned: Scammer, liar, cheat and thief
Oct 3, 2007
I know I’m new around here but I have a little experience in broken relationships, I just got out of a six year relationship two of these years where married life with her. Now going thou divorce I can see red flags when they are thrown up. And I can tell you this is her mess not yours, if you think you being there is going to make things easier on her you are wrong. It would not be selfish to back off for a wile it might even help improve the situation for you and her. But as you said you are now in deep so leaving or backing off till all is clear might confuse the kids. I’m not rag’n on ya but I think five months is a very short period for a marriage separation. No wonder the guy is angry, this does not give any excuse or right to do that entire BS and yes he left, but five months man. I mean that’s a mess waiting to happen did you not think about that when you got with her? Maybe you should look in to her history does she have very short periods of being single? I’m not saying anything about her I don’t know her just trying to get you thinking.
Here in my court system all one has to do in an ex parte is say they’re scared of another person and a protection order is awarded. Then the court sets a date to hear both sides and the magistrate will 98% of the time rule in favor of the female. During the ex parte the court will ask her questions all most leading a story out of her. Anything he has done that is questionable should be mentioned and she might want the points typed out, most get real nervous and forget making it look bad while talking to the judge.

It very easy to get protection from an aggressive violent offender.
just think he wont be able to call, write, have any one call, or even be near her.

Ask about a Bradley order? (Think that what is called) being issued, this means he can’t have possession of a firearm at all.
Last edited:
Dec 3, 2003
Tire Shredder;1229177 said:
good call going to the police and making them aware of the issue. Just incase something DOES happen it shows good responsibility and character you took the first step to the authorities. Anybody in law enforcement or the judicial system questioning you and the family will easily see he's the crazy one, so don't worry about that. He's just trying to get under your skin and try and damage your relationship. IMO, the only thing you really need to worry about is your own actions. what he wants is a comment, threat or a punch thrown from you so he can make your life more difficult (by talking to authorities). You can only be held responsible for your own actions, not his. You can't stop him from being an idiot (by talking to him or pounding his head in) but you CAN change how you react to situations he creates. Just keep your cool and you'll come out on top.



Supra-less :(
May 30, 2006
long branch
learn submission wrestling so you can beat his ass and hurt him really bad and leave no marks and never have to hit him. But then again violence never gets you anywhere in the real world :sarcasm:


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
Ok, to just touch on a few points...

Scott: 1) yeah, no denying Im living here, and her attorney already told her me living here will have no effect on the divorce or child hearings... And I met Tom face to face yesterday, will discuss more in a sec... 2) We have note books full of his activities... So all is in order... 3) I never talk to Johny about it, I NEVER bad mouth Tom in front of him either... 4) Its not required, but it looks bad if you deny it... So we tried it, and this is what happens... He feeds this little boy's head full of shit... So visitation is done, and the courts will handle it from here... 5/6) Will do...

Tanya: profit! :D:D:D

Ok, so yesterday, Christy and the boys had an appointment with the counselor... And of course, every time there is a meeting, Tom has been invited... he never comes... Well, yesterday he came... Oh, it was AMAZING! First, the counselor sits with Christy Tom and Johny and Im out in the parking lot, in a different lot all together to avoid any confrontation... The counselor asks Johny about me hitting him, and he said he told Tom I did because I took his scooter away and he was mad at me... So the counselor reprimanded him and told him not to tell lies like that because it could get people in trouble... So she questions him about the accusation that I watch him use the restroom, and Johny just flips out and YELLS, I never ever said that! Christy said the look on Tom's face was priceless, like that whole "busted" look... The counselor saw through all Tom's bullshit and now we have professional documentation of Tom's lies... There was a lot more said in the session, and Tom said he wanted to talk with me, and the counselor said that would be a good idea for us to talk....riiiiight.... So when they left, Christy motioned for me to come over, so I do, Toom wants to talk to me, be nice Tom, Oh I will be I just wanna talk to the man for a second.........

First words out of his mouth: I think you're a low life son of a bitch, you're the biggest piece of shit on the planet, lying, aldutering mother fucker, you look me in the eye when I talk to you, blah blah blah... I stood there, calmly, for 5 minutes while he talked his shit... Never said a word, stared, focused on his pupils... Never shaking, never twitching, no fear, what so ever... it was the most intense feeling... He said if i ever hit his son, he had nothing to loose, he would go to jail, make my life miserable... Finally, it was my turn... I asked him if he truly thought I would hit him... well, Tom "knows what Im about" and me being an adulterer Im already worthless... I was like, sign the papers you fat fuck and it wont be adultery, you fuckin leave for six months and come back and expect what, you're a worthless father, a piece of shit for a man, I begged him to hit me, he wouldnt... We were literally 1 inch apart, I was in his fucking face, i pretty much just lit him up, told him everything I've wanted to say and everything everyone else in this family has been wanting to say... I told him Im not some 11 year old kid, or a woman he can talk that shit to, step up to a fuckin man and try that shit... fat fuck... Get it through your fat fucking head, no one wants you here! He asked me if I was from *retarded hill billy voice* AL-UH-BAMM-UH! Im like, wtf does that have to do with anything... then he told me my lebret piercing should be in my ear, not my lip... What? is that the best you have Tom? Finally, toward the end, see, i was cool and calm the whole time... But he said something about me pervin Johny, and I lost it then... Fucking absolutely lost it! Thats when I begged him to touch me so i could fuckin rape him in that parking lot, I was like, you ever accuse me of that shit again and I will fucking end you, period, you psycho sick mother fucker, to even think that shit, you fucking bitch... And dont oyu EVER fucking tell anyone Im afraid of you, because Im in your face right now and you wont do shit, you fuckin pussy! "You're too stupid to be scared!" Scared of what you fat fuck, you wont do shit, just threaten women and children, any time a man steps up you bitch out...

It was very therapeutic... :D:D:D I know I feel better... I will protect this family... The thing is, you guys dont understand is this guy is fucked up, seriously fucked up... I dont have enough time to go through the laundry list of shit he's done to Christy and this family... Johny isnt even his son, he's adopted! So Tom is his legal guardian... Christy is a critical care nurse and this faggot calls up to her work and says shit like, yeah, Im suppose to meet Christy in the parking lot, she's got some Oxycontin for me... orrr.... Yeah, I found some cocaine in Christy's purse, Im really concerned about her...... After she kicked him out, he broke in the house several times, took her mom's pearls, all her diamonds and good jewelery, took her daughter's diary, stole some of her clothes, a spare set of house keys, her car one time, a check book and wrote over $2000 in checks.... Yeah, this guy is a real winner... But see, in Florida, you cant get a restraining order unless they threaten you, and then you have to have it in documented proof, or witnessed... Nice...

Anyway.... I may have been wrong for layin into Tom like I did... I dunno... BTW: no the boy didnt see or hear any of it, he was in the car...

*sighs* I love therapy...


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
I think you handled that great Jake. He requested your presence and promised to be civil. You met his request, and kept your cool (physically). You spoke to him in the tone he spoke to you. Conversation complete! You both got it off your shoulders. With any luck, it will end at that.

But remember......

Reign_Maker;1230420 said:
psycho sick mother fuckin pussy!"

..... types hide behind guns. It's the world we live in.


Jan 15, 2008
PDX (Oregon)
His obsession with someone perving his son and watching him use the restroom, makes me wonder if he's outward projecting it because he's the one doing it..you need to have a talk with johnny


Join the 92 Owners Group
Jul 11, 2005
Satsuma, Alabama, United States
savannahashlee;1230455 said:
His obsession with someone perving his son and watching him use the restroom, makes me wonder if he's outward projecting it because he's the one doing it..you need to have a talk with johnny
SA - I have agreed with just about (didn't look back through) everything you have posted in this thread. Not that I'm any kind of expert, but these posts about solving it with violence only bring more trouble. For this particular asshole, it would serve him right, but it isn't gonna help to serve him with it.


Has cheezberger
Aug 31, 2005
savannahashlee;1230455 said:
His obsession with someone perving his son and watching him use the restroom, makes me wonder if he's outward projecting it because he's the one doing it..you need to have a talk with johnny
So last night Christy went to work, and I walked her to her car to see her off, when I came back in Little Johny and his brother "Billy" were sitting at the round table eating and Billy says, Jake you have to hear this...

Johny, who do you like better, jake or Tom?



Because I love Jake and he plays with me and is nice to me...

I say: why don't you like Tom?

Because Tom watches me pee and poop...

WHAT? What else does he do?

He snores loud and I cant sleep...

Are you telling the truth? Does he really do that? Because you knwo what the counselor says about lying...

YES he does that, and that's why I dont like him...

So yeah, we fear in others what we fear in ourselves... WHY in the fuck would Tom accuse me of something so stupid, so bizarre? Well, perhaps he's doing it himself... the problem here is that Tom has been feeding this shit into Johny's head, so who knows now if its diluted and jaded? Johny could be repeating what he's heard from me, Tom, Christy and the counselor... Tom told Christy if he ever got Johny back, he wouldnt return him... So today he texts "I'd like to take Johny to the movies and out to eat, i will be ready any time" There is NO FUCKING WAY Im letting Johny go with Tom...

This whole situation with tom is bad... Ive never wanted someone to just disappear off the planet so bad... He's a real problem... Christy said the counselor saw right through Tom's bullshit, I told her, you know, the counselor saw through it, why dont you think a judge will too... She's so afraid she's gunna loose Johny to Tom, but there is no way... I just dont see any judge in Florida awarding custody to a man who isnt his blood, doesnt have a stable home, hasnt paid a dime to Johny's school, food, day care, clothes, or anything in 6 months... I wish we some lawyers on SupraMania that would be willing to represent us on this case... Do we have any lawyers on Supra Mania? :)


dirty mechanic
Aug 12, 2007
This is just weird. I'd be bailing out of this screwed up relationship, right after i beat the guy unconscious and left him lieing out back of a gay bar with his pants pulled down and a sign stuck to him saying "free sex, get it here"


brian L.
Mar 12, 2007
North Jersey
Reign_Maker;1229134 said:
I love johny more in the three months I've been in his life than Tom has in the 4 years he's been a part of his life..
Thats sad that he's that big of a scum bag but that is good news that at least johny has a loving father figure in his life.

Reign_Maker;1229134 said:
What the hell can I do? Christy is freakin out because she thinks this is gunna drive me away... but Im not leaving over this... QUOTE
well I dont really know what to tell you but keep trying to get stuff on paper to show that he's being a baby and making stuff up.

[QUOTE=Reign_Maker;1229134 We're dealing with a sick fuck here... QUOTE

you got that right people like that need to go away and stop making the world so hard.

Well no matter what jake you don't have to worry about anything cause this all proves that your a great guy and you have a big heart because it's would be so e-z for you to just walk out and say that it's not your problem but your being a real man about it.I wouldnt worry about it if I were you.It will just blow over