Oil overfill?


Dec 20, 2005
Okay I have a situation.

My car has been leaking oil pretty much from everywhere. You name it every single seal that exists in a 7M. After trying to work on the car to solve the leaks. I came to this. Front main seal,camshaft seal,timing case cover,cps,valve covers,turbo feed,rear main seal,oil pump drive seal and oil pan. Sounds too extreme? Yes it is. As of now I have to add 1qt of oil every 70 miles of driving. And the oil that shoots out of the engine has made it's way all the way to the diff.

Now that sounds like another blown 7M. But no. This is an engine that has around 10k on a rebuild. Here we come to the problem. According to toyota, The car takes 5qts Right? But this car gets full(according to the dipstick) at 7qts!!! Is the car overfilled and leaking? dipstick could be wrong? Would this cause excessive blow-by which blew every single seal?

I don't want to take the risk and put 5qts and disregard the dipstick and see if the leak changes or possible stops or should I?

Any input would be helpful.

I'm running 10W40 and oil pressure is according to spec. Except for when you restart the car when it's hot it goes 3 psi at idle as soon as you rev it a bit it goes back to normal. Checked with a manual pressure gauge. It's a turbo.


YotaMD.com author
Nov 10, 2006
So many things are wrong with this...

Why are you using 10w-40? Why not use factory spec if it's a rebuilt motor? Was it to different specs that call for heavy oil? Or are you using heavy oil just to try to boost your oil pressure? (which doesnt really help, btw...)

If you are leaking a quart that often, I would question if new seals were even used. I'd do a compression test and see if, in fact, it's possibly from blow-by.

Go by the dipstick. It's safe to run 7 quarts on a perfectly good 7M. A full quart over full doesn't put you in danger of hitting the crank.

Something is seriously wrong with your rebuild if it leaks that much after so few miles...


Jun 10, 2008
Conroe, Texas
yep something is seriously wrong with this picture. I just put a motor in that i rebuilt and no leaks. Or maybe your whole motor is just warped to shit. jk. Did you torque everything to spec


Dec 20, 2005
I thought spec was 10W40....huh I will check it with alldata. Also seals were replaced with new toyota seals and gaskets. Every single seal and gasket that's leaking now was replaced with toyota oem. Now here's an intresting bit. I pulled out the intercooler and it had maybe 3qts of oil sitting there!!! ok the turbo seals are blown? turbo have horrible shaft play didn't know this till now...Will change it. but could this be the problem? PCV routed correctly as far as I know, I will double check.


New Member
Apr 14, 2009
I'd say to definitely check the PCV system. If it's connected incorrectly it could be over pressurizing the crankcase and causing seals to blow. It's hard to believe that all of those seals were installed incorrectly (not impossible, just hard to imagine). Does your oil dipstick ever seem to pop out of the tube? That's one sign that something is over pressurizing the crankcase. 3qt's in the intercooler. Yikes. Is your turbo ok?

As far as the 5qt/7qt fill, this may be a stupid question, but are you sure that you have the right dipstick for the 7M? Maybe at some point in the engine's life someone changed the dipstick?


Dang Dude! No Way Man.
Staff member
Apr 17, 2007
I dont think you have the right dipstick or stick tube. Something is off. Mine is full at 5 but i always go 6.

I thik you can have something like 9 qts in the pan before the oil touches the crank but i wouldnt run it like that.


Dec 20, 2005
That's what i'm thinking because even on a 7qt oil pan, When you put 5qts you should see a bit of oil on the dipstick. But in my case you put 5qts and the dipstick says there's not even a drop.

Well I'm not sure if it's the original dipstick or not. I got the car like that. But what I do know is that I got one of those dipsticks that are very hard to read. and I know that those came on some supras but the question is did they come on 1991s? Any input? Can a dipstick tube be installed incorrectly?

And as far as PCV, It is routed as per TSRM double checked that today actually. But I donno if supras has a valve that controls PCV like some german cars and if that's shut it bassicaly doesn't vent. Any input?


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
amd_hcds;1589820 said:
And as far as PCV, It is routed as per TSRM double checked that today actually. But I donno if supras has a valve that controls PCV like some german cars and if that's shut it bassicaly doesn't vent. Any input?

There is no valve, but there is a restriction at the throttle body, to allow a small amount of flow either way, (to flow one way while under vacuum, and the other way under bost.) This needs to be clear to allow vapors to flow.


Drain Bamaged
Mar 11, 2006
Eastern WA
Dipstick tubes are pressed into 7m blocks. If not pressed in fully, they will stand up too tall, giving erroneous dipstic readings (reads lower than actual level). They cannot be driven in too far, as they seat on the fatter part of the tube.

Because it's hidden behind the motor mount, it can be difficult to tell if it is all the way in or not.


New Member
Sep 20, 2009
I would agree with wrong dipstick. Bad turbo most likely creating intercooler oiling, unless the pcv system is that plugged causing oil to actually be sucked into inlet side of turbo. The gaskets leaking, all of them, either improper install or prep work. But very likely of system being over-pressurized and blowing out. I would clean engine off bone dry and start it up. see where the leaks start, highest is usually the best, eliminates residual running down and thinking its more than its not.

The turbo oil line (supply/return) has a one time gasket which i suspect is new, that one is a bitch to get sealed. But just maybe by dumb luck, if even possible, the inside of your turbo is cracked. letting oil get pushed into intake at idle, and pressurizing the pcv system under load? Like i said not sure if its possible but maybe/