North Korean Nuclear Bomb Test

Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin

Here is a teachable moment if ever I saw one. The world powers have been using diplomacy, dialogue, and outright bribery to stop this since 2003 at least and it has been completely unsuccessful. Now the world is running whining to the UN which has a track record of doing nothing useful EVER, to sanction Kim Jong Ill for thumbing his nose at the world. I don't think the UN will be effective at all.

My question is to the anti-war democrats out there. What would you do about this ? What is your solution? I know what your hero Bill Clinton did, sold nuclear tech to China for campaign money.

It is argueable that his actions during his administration played a large role in Korea's test bomb. Since we are not far from an election which hinges on national security policy, I want to know what the Democrat plan is to counter this latest threat.
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Ninja Editor 'Since 05'
Jul 24, 2005
hey a republican asking a democrat for help thats usual, you are right though! bribery is the downfall of democracy! that is why capitalism itself is evil and we need to abolish it. everyone deserves to be free. Vote for the socialist party of america everyone deserves to be equal


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
I have the answer



So it goes.
Apr 15, 2005
Morgantown, WV
tlo86temp said:
hey a republican asking a democrat for help thats usual, you are right though! bribery is the downfall of democracy! that is why capitalism itself is evil and we need to abolish it. everyone deserves to be free. Vote for the socialist party of america everyone deserves to be equal



Apr 4, 2005
you guys are so controlled by a propoganda machine. this isn't as big of a deal as you may have been led to believe. I don't believe America has the right to deny North Korea of developing technology that the US pretty much pioneered along with the soviets nearly 50 years ago.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2005
NATAN666 said:
you guys are so controlled by a propoganda machine. this isn't as big of a deal as you may have been led to believe. I don't believe America has the right to deny North Korea of developing technology that the US pretty much pioneered along with the soviets nearly 50 years ago.

What developing technology? NK already has nuclear reactors/power plants. Testing a bomb only furthers weapons research.

Yep. God forbid we prevent a crazy MF from developing even better weapons. Hell, the next time a psycopath breaks into my house with a knife, I need to give him a gun instead.

Supra Blues

Virgin Booster
Mar 30, 2005
Aaron J Williams said:

Here is a teachable moment if ever I saw one. The world powers have been using diplomacy, dialogue, and outright bribery to stop this since 2003 at least and it has been completely unsuccessful. Now the world is running whining to the UN which has a track record of doing nothing useful EVER, to sanction Kim Jong Ill for thumbing his nose at the world. I don't think the UN will be effective at all.

My question is to the anti-war democrats out there. What would you do about this ? What is your solution? I know what your hero Bill Clinton did, sold nuclear tech to China for campaign money.

It is argueable that his actions during his administration played a large role in Korea's test bomb. Since we are not far from an election which hinges on national security policy, I want to know what the Democrat plan is to counter this latest threat.

Actually this process started earlier, under Clinton's watch (not Clinton bashing here for the Clinton lovers). Simply put, NK signed a treaty with the Clinton administration to stop nuclear weapons research and development. They never intended to abide by it however.

Additionaly, no, it appears that diplomacy is not working, but are to the point of military action, I think no, unless it is a strike against this loon to take him out.


I Love What You Do For Me
Jul 28, 2005
Roswell NM
I think South Korea need to pull an Isreal and make a strike into North Korea to hinder the North's Nuclear capabilities. I'm just concerned that we are going to very quickly be spread really thin in our military ability. With the debacle in the Mid East (especially w/ Iran acting the fool). Now w/ North Korea. That's an aweful lot to ask of a military machine that is already spread pretty thin.


Mr. Evergreen
Mar 30, 2005
For one, NK having nuclear weapons capabilites and the bold attitude to say they are testing weapons even after the rest of the world threatened to go to war with them is really scary. Especially when they are so isolated and bassically are in such a crappy condition where only their military is fed. But like someone mentioned before we cant just feed off of the propoganda of fear, we've seen what that does.

In all fairness i beleive it is logical to have a gun held at the back of this guys head when he is flat out declaring he is creating a weapon for a very specific purpose.

Aaron J Williams

Make It So!!!
Jul 23, 2006
Luck, Wisconsin
Wills7MGTE said:
I have the answer


Yes, this is a job for Team America World Police !!!!!!!!!

The Tribune said:
For North Korea, the model was Pakistan. It obtained part of its nuclear technology from Pakistan � the uranium enrichment technology. It saw that a nuclear-armed Pakistan could resist all kinds of US pressures and in addition, can blackmail the US for substantial military and economic aid. Pakistan is also able to resist all attempts at regime change. The US has to reconcile itself to a military ruler and his prescribed regime in the country. The US cannot get access to Dr A.Q. Khan, the world�s greatest proliferator, for interrogation. The US is forced to accept the cock and bull story that all proliferation took place at the initiative of that one man, Dr Khan, and the successive Pakistani government and Pakistani chiefs of army staff did not have any knowledge of proliferation emanating from Pakistan. Though the US President thundered that any nation giving safe-haven to Osama bin Laden will be treated as an enemy, he is hale and hearty in Pakistan issuing video and audio manifestos from time to time. The Taliban, ousted from Afghanistan five years ago, has regrouped and reequipped itself and is now on the offensive against US and NATO forces in Afghanistan. All terror plots in Europe and the US have trails leading to terrorist training camps in Pakistan. Yet the US is unable to discipline General Musharraf but has to yield continuously to his demands for economic and military aid.

The reason for this US behaviour is the implicit blackmail of Pakistani rulers that any regime change in Pakistan and any instability in that country may lead to a situation when nuclear weapons or materials may fall into the hands of terrorists. The US has no answer to this threat. North Korea has drawn appropriate lessons from this. If they acquired nuclear weapons they can blackmail the US on similar lines. Not only that would stop the US from talking about regime change in North Korea, it could lead to North Korea obtaining increased economic assistance from the US. North Korea already has a reputation of dealing with terrorists and regimes that seek nuclear weapons. North Korea can blackmail implicitly or even explicitly that if its economic assistance demands are not met it would be compelled to raise resources through the sale of nuclear technology to state and non-state actors. Having yielded to Pakistani blackmail, what will the US do with respect to such blackmail from Pyongyang?

I'm sure that the ability to blackmail the US is of no concern to Canadians and probably serves to enbolden islamofascist jihadis but as a US citizen it bothers the hell out of me. If the opinion of the rest of the world is that Kim Jong Ill having nukes is no big deal the I say we should fully implement missile defense and give it to Israel, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and Britain and then call the blackmailers bluff. After the rest of the world burns in the ensuing nuclear war then we can start over without jihadis, idiots, pacifists or the UN.

For too long America has kept the world stable by sacrificing American lives and what thanks do we get? None. We are hated , reviled, scorned, envied and made fun of. Korean nukes aren't dangerous, it's just propoganda. BULLSHIT! If the rest of the world is so much better than US then we should stop what we are doing and sit back and watch the rest of the world flush itself down the toilet.
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Jan 11, 2006
Alachua, FL
Yellow 13 said:



No, you can't.

"My ability to talk to fish is of no use here!"

Anyway, yeah, I agree - we need to stop jumping to everyone's rescue, unless they ask for it. If they don't ask, we don't give - period.


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Doward said:

No, you can't.

"My ability to talk to fish is of no use here!"

Anyway, yeah, I agree - we need to stop jumping to everyone's rescue, unless they ask for it. If they don't ask, we don't give - period.

Problem is, South Korea is right there and they're an ally of the US of course...Which is both good and bad. Meanwhile, people were saying the missile defense shield was such a bad idea...Well, I can't remember what the sentiment south of the border was, but the liberals up here hated it..